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Posts posted by ctaminian

  1. Hey Zync...


    Thank you very much for your reply...I greatly appreciate it!!!


    I adapted the code you gave me and used TweenLite to get more control over the tween and duration instead of assigning the x and y on mouse move / enter frame...


    It pretty much works great!! The problem is that it only stops when it reaches the mouse pointer!!!


    I am trying to make the image (mc2 or mcBox) to follow the mouse smoothly but only move a certain distance...


    So if my mouse pointer is moved all the way to the right corner, my image moves in that direction but not to the mouse pointer, instead to a distance lets say half way or a quarter of the way!


    Heres the code you gave me which i converted to as2...


    I know my question is not tween related as you mentioned...and I understand if you don't post a reply again...but oh well, i'm stuck so its worth a shot!!! Thanks again bro! :D


    var xRatio = 0;
    var yRatio = 0;
    var xTweenAmount = 0;
    var yTweenAmount = 0;
    mc2.onEnterFrame = function()
    mc2.onMouseMove = function()
    	xRatio = ((Stage.width - mc2._width) / Stage.width);
    	xTweenAmount = _xmouse * xRatio;
    	yRatio = ((Stage.height - mc2._height) / Stage.height);
    	yTweenAmount = _ymouse * yRatio;
    	TweenLite.to(mc2,5,{_x:xTweenAmount, _y:yTweenAmount});

  2. Hey guys, can anyone please help me with my problem? I am at the point of pulling my hair out, so please someone out there spare me!!! :|


    I have an image that is bigger than the stage which contains many thumbnails...I use TweenLite (props to you) for doing a panning effect...everything works like a charm...


    My problem is that I don't want the image to pan directly to my x,y destination, I want it to move to about a quarter of the total distance....


    Here is the link of what i'm talking about...





    Once you click on a thumbnail and it zooms, move the mouse left or right and notice that it only moves a certain distance...it doesn't move to the mouse pointer exactly, is just moves a fraction of the distance....THIS IS WERE I'M HAVING PROBLEMS!!! How is this done???


    I use the following code to pan the image...


    var stageWidthB = Stage.width;
    var imageWidthB = mc2._width;
    var outSideStageXB = imageWidthB - stageWidthB;
    var calculationXB = stageWidthB / outSideStageXB;
    var moveToPositionXB;
    var stageHeightB = Stage.height;
    var imageHeightB = mc2._height;
    var outSideStageYB = imageHeightB - stageHeightB;
    var calculationYB = stageHeightB / outSideStageYB;
    var moveToPositionYB;
    mc2.onEnterFrame = function()
    moveToPositionXB = Math.floor(_xmouse / calculationXB);
    moveToPositionYB = Math.floor(_ymouse / calculationYB);
    TweenLite.to(mc2,80,{_x:-moveToPositionXB, _y:-moveToPositionYB});


    mc2 is the name of the movie that holds all the images...


    Please guys, any help would be much appreciated!!! :?

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