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Posts posted by NicolasJ

  1. Ok, maybe a solution, but not sure that this the right way.


    with a simple example :

    a container 300x300px

    a box 350x350px


    the draggable type = x,y


    on drag end event and using the ThrowPropsPlugin plugin. I put on x and y properties min values to -50 and max to 0.


    It seems to work, but is there a better way ?

  2. Because the case for which this post is open represent only 10% in the application.

    All others cases use loadermax and flexcontentdisplay.

    The object which display the bitmap is based on FlexContentDisplay, and I wish to use this object to have an homogeneous behavior.


    You think that my case could not be solved using FlexContentDisplay ?

  3. When you said put it in FlexContentDisplay I wonder how, as the FlexContentDsiplay is still not instanciate and it needs a LoaderItem in its constructor.


    My situation is :

    1) Selection of an image with a fileReference and load Bitmap from its content

    2) Encode bitmapdata with JPEG or PNG Encoder and make a base64 of the bytearray returned

    3) the string is store to be used at anytime.


    I make a base64 decode to retrieve the bytearray and now I want to load it in a container that use the FlexContentDisplay.


    Do you have any suggestions beacause I really do know how to load it in the FlexContentFisplay ?

  4. For the error I mentioned LoaderMax.getContent return a FlexContentDisplay but with rawContent setted to null (o.rawContent == null) :


    LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass = FlexContentDisplay;
    var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler});
    queue.append( new DataLoader(ba, {format:"binary", name:_imageName}) );
    private function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
            var o:* = LoaderMax.getContent(_imageName);
  5. I tried ImageLoader and have an error :
    error occured with ImageLoader ... loading has not been completed
    I tried (where ba is my ByteArray):


    LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass = FlexContentDisplay;
    var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler});
    queue.append( new DataLoader(ba, {format:"binary", name:_imageName}) );
    private function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
            var o:* = LoaderMax.getContent(_imageName);


    o is null


    I do not understand. 

  6. No it works fine.

    I used FlexContentDisplay directly with transformamanager.


    Now I wonder if I could load a bytearray in a flexcontentdisplay object using loadermax ?


    Another solution could be the use of a simple loader to retrieve the bitmap, but I don't know how to set this bitmap to the FlexContentDisplay as it is null.



  7. Hello,


    I am working on a prototype in Flex using LoadMax to load an image into a loader FlexContentDisplay.

    The FlexContentDisplay is embed in a Canvas which is added to the TransformManager.


    I have to work on width, height, x and y of this image in the canvas.


    My question is : Is it better to work on the rawContent property of FlexContentDisplay or directly with the FlexContentDisplay ?


    I wonder this as the FlexContentDisplay extends UIComponent, I cannot really work on width and height but directly with scaleX and scaleY.


    Many thanks

  8. Hi all,


    I think that magnetism between items does not exist.

    I don't know if this implementation is hard to introduce, but is anyone have ever try to do this ?


    we need this feature, but I'm afraid that this task is too difficult.

    Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.




    Nicolas J.

  9. Hello,


    i ever saw a post related to the progress spinner in the loaderMax demo, but I wasn't able to find it.

    This circle with the percentage in middle indicating the progression is simply what I would like to do.

    Is there any examples or sources related to this progress animation ?


    A litlle bit confused to open a post like that, sorrry.


    Many thanks per advance to all answer.

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