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Everything posted by NicolasJ

  1. Ok, maybe a solution, but not sure that this the right way. with a simple example : a container 300x300px a box 350x350px the draggable type = x,y on drag end event and using the ThrowPropsPlugin plugin. I put on x and y properties min values to -50 and max to 0. It seems to work, but is there a better way ?
  2. Hello, Is there a way to invert the behavior of the bounds management. Having a box with bigger size than the container, that could be draggable but must fill the container. Best, Nico J.
  3. Because the case for which this post is open represent only 10% in the application. All others cases use loadermax and flexcontentdisplay. The object which display the bitmap is based on FlexContentDisplay, and I wish to use this object to have an homogeneous behavior. You think that my case could not be solved using FlexContentDisplay ?
  4. When you said put it in FlexContentDisplay I wonder how, as the FlexContentDsiplay is still not instanciate and it needs a LoaderItem in its constructor. My situation is : 1) Selection of an image with a fileReference and load Bitmap from its content 2) Encode bitmapdata with JPEG or PNG Encoder and make a base64 of the bytearray returned 3) the string is store to be used at anytime. I make a base64 decode to retrieve the bytearray and now I want to load it in a container that use the FlexContentDisplay. Do you have any suggestions beacause I really do know how to load it in the FlexContentFisplay ?
  5. For the error I mentioned LoaderMax.getContent return a FlexContentDisplay but with rawContent setted to null (o.rawContent == null) : LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass = FlexContentDisplay; var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler}); queue.append( new DataLoader(ba, {format:"binary", name:_imageName}) ); private function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { var o:* = LoaderMax.getContent(_imageName); }
  6. I tried ImageLoader and have an error : error occured with ImageLoader ... loading has not been completed I tried (where ba is my ByteArray): LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass = FlexContentDisplay; var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler}); queue.append( new DataLoader(ba, {format:"binary", name:_imageName}) ); private function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { var o:* = LoaderMax.getContent(_imageName); } o is null I do not understand.
  7. No it works fine. I used FlexContentDisplay directly with transformamanager. Now I wonder if I could load a bytearray in a flexcontentdisplay object using loadermax ? Another solution could be the use of a simple loader to retrieve the bitmap, but I don't know how to set this bitmap to the FlexContentDisplay as it is null. Best
  8. Hello, I am working on a prototype in Flex using LoadMax to load an image into a loader FlexContentDisplay. The FlexContentDisplay is embed in a Canvas which is added to the TransformManager. I have to work on width, height, x and y of this image in the canvas. My question is : Is it better to work on the rawContent property of FlexContentDisplay or directly with the FlexContentDisplay ? I wonder this as the FlexContentDisplay extends UIComponent, I cannot really work on width and height but directly with scaleX and scaleY. Many thanks
  9. Hi all, I think that magnetism between items does not exist. I don't know if this implementation is hard to introduce, but is anyone have ever try to do this ? we need this feature, but I'm afraid that this task is too difficult. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. best, Nicolas J.
  10. you are right. I'm more a flex developper than a flash one, then I suppose that I will have any developpment to integrate this progresscircle. Thanks, for your answer.
  11. Hello, i ever saw a post related to the progress spinner in the loaderMax demo, but I wasn't able to find it. This circle with the percentage in middle indicating the progression is simply what I would like to do. Is there any examples or sources related to this progress animation ? A litlle bit confused to open a post like that, sorrry. Many thanks per advance to all answer.
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