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Everything posted by willenglishiv

  1. I need some react animation help. I got the startinganimation working (and I see that there is a react transition group thing I could use. But what I'm trying to do is coordinate a state change with an animation, along with a bonus that if I have two items updating at the same time to animate them at the same time. I can write the non-react version of what I'm trying to accomplish if that helps with context.
  2. Oh yeah, curious as to what the div example would be? The reason I went svg is because I want to be able to style it without redoing the animation.
  3. So see the above referenced codepen: I wanted to animate the horizontal lines (smaller to bigger) but doing width also shrinks down the height of the svg and I'm trying to prevent that. As a bonus (because I'm sure once the one liner comes out to do this) I also need to be able to do it in the reverse direction (left to right and right to left)
  4. hello again, I'm trying to do a marquee (scrolling text), a pen is attached. I need to account for changes in text size if the information is updated (this is part of a stream overlay) so I'm trying to figure out what the best way to do it is. I'm using TimelineMax (I know I need to update to GSAP3, maybe post this project) but I was curious as to can I use updateTo on a specific tween inside of timeliine? The current error says updateTo is not a function.
  5. does your example use GSAP3? My project is still using 2.
  6. my googlefu isn't strong here: I'm just trying to do something simple where I just have an image rotate out at an interval, infinitely. I have seen the 'make an array out of elements, setInterval and then TweenMax AutoAlpha' but I was wondering if there was an easier way. Most solutions were written in 2013, not sure if they are relevant now. Apologize if this has been answered before.
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