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lucasvallenet's Achievements

  1. Hello, I'm having an issue with DrawSVG on Firefox in a Nuxt app. This error keeps looping: Uncaught TypeError: y is null Everything works fine during the development, the errors appears on build, in Firefox and in SPA when coming from another page. The code is pretty simple : <template> <div class="c-c2-shapes"> <div v-for="(icon, i) in icons" :key="`c2-shapes-icon-${i}`" class="c-c2-shapes_shape"> <component :is="icon" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue' import { gsap } from 'gsap' import Hole from '~/assets/experience/shapes/hole.svg?inline' import Base from '~/assets/experience/shapes/base.svg?inline' import Square from '~/assets/experience/shapes/square.svg?inline' import Ring from '~/assets/experience/shapes/ring.svg?inline' export default Vue.extend({ name: 'VC2Shapes', components: { Hole, Base, Square, Ring, }, data: () => ({ icons: [ Hole, Base, Square, Ring, Ring, ], animationArray: [], }), mounted() { const $paths = this.$el.querySelectorAll('path') for (const $path of $paths) { this.animationArray.push( gsap.fromTo( $path, { drawSVG: '0%', // Tested drawSVG: 0 }, { drawSVG: '100%', ease: 'none', // scrollTrigger: { // trigger: $path, // endTrigger: this.$el, // start: 'top+=5% bottom', // end: 'top top', // scrub: 1, // }, } ) ) } }, beforeDestroy() { for (const a of this.animationArray) { a.kill() } }, }) </script> It is supposed to play on scroll, but I commented this part because it is not the source of the problem. It might be a Nuxt issue, but I wanted to ask just in case. Thank you very much ! Lucas
  2. Hello, Thank you for your great work and the release of the 3.10 with the new ScrollSmoother. I'm trying it out on a new projet and I'd like to achieve an infinite scroll that contains scrollTriggers. I made a simple demo trying to make an infinite scroll. It kind of works on scroll down (i couldn't make it work on scroll up) but I have couple of problems : I can only access the progress within the self element, is there a way to get the Y position so that I can precisely scroll to the repeated section ? I am currently comparing the progress for sections of the same size, but I'm going to have different section sizes and pinning an element will also create issues I think the best way would be to compare the scroll position in pixel with the windowHeight to easily detect when we are at the top/bottom of the page Can I disable the smooth scroll end when arriving to the bottom of the page so it feels flowless ? Are the scrollTriggers going to work seemlessly ? Thank you in advance ! Lucas
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