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Everything posted by joselalupa

  1. maybe i didn't make my self clear...in this line can i substitute "this" for other object? TweenMax.to(this, 5, {referRotation:targetRotation, onUpdate:applyRotation}); thanks and sorry for my ignorance. now i noticed the code i have just works directly on the fla, if i place it in a clase it stop working because of the same...."this"
  2. sorry for hammering on this post...i check the solution and it worked but not in the project i am working on. using "this" in the tween does not work. a) is there any way i could substitute "this" for any other object? what is referencing "this" ?
  3. thanks a lot for your help. i didn't know flash evaluation of rotation and the most important thing...i am not programmer so most of the concepts are unknown for me but i am on the way, thanks again
  4. i have this code wich tween rotation of a mc. import com.greensock.* var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); myMC.graphics.beginFill(0x00ff00); myMC.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 400, 300); myMC.graphics.endFill(); myMC.x = myMC.y = 00; addChild(myMC); var Flecha:flecha = new flecha; addChild(Flecha); Flecha.x = Flecha.y = 200; var rotacion:int = 0; myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag); function drag(e:MouseEvent){ myMC.startDrag(); } myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop); function drop(e:MouseEvent){ myMC.stopDrag(); myMC.x = myMC.y = 00; } this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,myFunction); function myFunction(event:Event) { rotacion += myMC.x /60; TweenMax.to(Flecha,5, {rotation:rotacion}); //Flecha.rotation += myMC.x/20; trace(rotacion); trace(rotacion + "cono") } when i don't use the tween it rotate fine but when using tween and pressing the mouse for a couple of seconds or doing a big rotation the tween enters in a loop. any idea about this?
  5. i declare i am simply an idiot....i solved using shortRotation as obvious. sorry for posting this question
  6. hi, i'm trying to d a tweeing using a compass value so as you know it goes from 1 to 359...if it jumps from 1 to 350 for example it runs over al the numbers in the opposite direction, i know thw short rotation pluggin can determine de way it should rotate but don't have any idea how can i do it... i'm using this line to make the tween, compass.heading is the value in number, any idea is welcome TweenLite.to(oDAE, 1, {rotationY: compass.heading});
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