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Everything posted by meng

  1. Hey Visual-Q, thank you very much. A wrong order had stopped the following processes. Now, it works :)
  2. Hey, i'am new to Javascript and have a question how to handle a click event with url. <nav> <div data-foo="target.html">Target</div> </nav> $(document).ready(function() { var tl = new TimelineMax({ onReverseComplete: function() { window.location = url; } }); tl.to("#overlay", 1, {top:"0", delay:0, ease:Power4.easeInOut},0); tl.to("#menu", 1, {opacity:"1", delay:0, ease:Power4.easeInOut},1); tl.play(); $("nav").on( "click", function() { url = $(this).data("foo"); // used a data-value to store the anchor like index.html tl.reverse(); }); }); But how to do this with a correct a href and prevent Default ? <nav> <a href="target.html">Target</a> </nav> Thank you very much.
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