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Everything posted by gareth

  1. thanks! sorry I thought you could but I could not remember the name of the plugin.
  2. Hi, Is it possible to tween from one gradient to another ? thanks, Gareth
  3. Sorry, I was being stupid, it works perfectly. Thanks so much for implementing my suggestion
  4. Thank you Jack! this looks awesome. I am however having trouble working with the stylesheet once it is loaded. Here is my loading call append: loadingQueue.append(new CSSLoader("css/summary.css",{name:"summaryCSS"})); and in my loadComplete function I assign it it to publicly defined stylesheet sumCSS = LoaderMax.getContent("summaryCSS") I then pass sumCSS to another Class, but the stylesheet does not get applied, am I doing something stupid? thanks, Gareth
  5. Hi, I have converted my project to use LoaderMax, it is working perfectly and has greatly simplified my code, superb work jack! I have not come across any bugs so far, but I do have a small suggestion; It would be very useful if you could load a CSS file like you would any other assets (image,swf, xml etc). thanks. Gareth
  6. In LoaderMax.html (the downloaded documentation) the example code does not compile because import com.greensock. is missing a *
  7. Hi, Is it possible to have a tween finish before a new one starts? I have some buttons and I would like the roll over effect to always complete before the roll out effect overwrites it. I have tried all of the overwrite properties, but nothing achieves the effect I am after. here is my simple code: private function buttonRollOver(e:Event):void { TweenLite.to(e.target.buttonTxt, 1, {tint:e.target.txtColorOver,ease:Quad.easeOut}); } private function buttonRollOut(e:Event):void { TweenLite.to(e.target.buttonTxt, 1, {tint:e.target.txtColor,ease:Quad.easeOut}); } } thanks, Gareth
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