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Everything posted by dadamssg

  1. interesting. never thought to rotate the whole thing. thanks!
  2. Hey thanks @Shaun Gorneau! That looks really good however i was hoping that no part of the rays would ever be hidden behind another element. Instead they would grow/shrink in place without getting moved behind the sun/outline.
  3. This is my first time with animation so bear with me... I have this sun svg that i'm trying to animate the rays. I'd like the rays to grow/shrink(think pulse) while rotating around the sun. If i use scale on the rays to manipulate their size they overlap the sun. I'd like for each of the rays' center coordinates to be centered on an invisible larger circle so they don't overlap the sun. This way there will always be a gap between the rays and the sun. Hopefully that makes sense... Maybe scale isn't the right thing to use here? Might've picked something a little too complex for my first exercise :s
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