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Everything posted by Eugene1984

  1. Hi @Rodrigo Thanks for your help, but I've managed to find the problem for the very slow loading time. So no need for AJAX anymore. The first thing I spotted was that it only loading extremely slow in Chrome and not Safari or Firefox. I then did a couple of Lighthouse page speed analysis, and removed unused stylesheets etc... It was the damn "wp-block-library" stylesheet. I've dequeued this and problem solved!
  2. Hi @Rodrigo Thanks for the reply. I've tried the refresh() method, but did not work for me. The killAll() method however did. I would really like to know why I'm adding this here for reference and so that it can help others with a similar problem. I hade to add the ScrollTrigger.killAll() method after the successful AJAX call. Then I've added a little timeout on the ScrollTrigger functions. $.ajax({ url: main_ajax_scripts.ajax_url, data: { action: 'get_more_years', yearNumber: yearNumber++, last_year: lastYear, }, success: function (data) { $('#timelineContainer').append(data); ScrollTrigger.killAll(); setTimeout(() => { storyTimeline(); }, 500); }, error: function (errorThrown) { console.log(errorThrown); }, });
  3. Okay, so I've removed all other JS and images, but it's still very slow. On some devices the page crashes. I've also removed the CSS animations and rather using GSAP for this. I'm thinking of maybe using AJAX to load one item at a time on scroll. I've tried this, but it seems like the scrolltrigger needs to be reinitialised after the AJAX call. I've added the function in the success property so that the scrolltrigger gets initialised again, but this also doesn't work. Maybe someone can point me in the right direction for this?
  4. Thanks @Cassie Yes, I think it might be other JS or large images. I'll try a couple of things and see how it goes.
  5. Hi I've tried to keep it as simple as possible given what my problem is. It seems to be working fine on the pen, but maybe you can let me know if the code provided is recommended for what I'm trying to do. See pen below https://codepen.io/demeillon/pen/eYQgEKd
  6. Hi Sorry, it's been a while. I have a new issue. The timeline takes ages to load and when scrolling, near the end, the browser almost freezes. It's very glitchy. I suspect performance issues. I can give you code to review, but unfortunately I can't send you a link as the project is still in development and not yet for public eyes. Also note that I'm using Wordpress. I've built a custom array made up of 2 custom post types that appear on the timeline. // GSAP import {gsap} from 'gsap'; import {ScrollTrigger} from 'gsap/ScrollTrigger'; import {ScrollSmoother} from 'gsap/ScrollSmoother'; import {Draggable} from 'gsap/Draggable'; import {ScrollToPlugin} from 'gsap/all'; export function storyTimeline() { gsap.registerPlugin( ScrollTrigger, Draggable, ScrollSmoother, ScrollToPlugin ); const panelsContainer = document.querySelector('.container'); if (panelsContainer) { const sections = gsap.utils.toArray('.panel'); let maxWidth = 0; const getMaxWidth = () => { maxWidth = 0; sections.forEach((section) => { maxWidth += section.offsetWidth; }); }; getMaxWidth(); ScrollTrigger.addEventListener('refreshInit', getMaxWidth); let scrollTween = gsap.to(sections, { x: () => `-${maxWidth - window.innerWidth}`, ease: 'none', }); let horizontalScroll = ScrollTrigger.create({ animation: scrollTween, trigger: panelsContainer, pin: true, scrub: true, end: () => `+=${maxWidth}`, invalidateOnRefresh: true, }); var dragRatio = maxWidth / (maxWidth - window.innerWidth); var drag = Draggable.create('.proxy', { trigger: panelsContainer, type: 'x', allowContextMenu: true, onPress() { this.startScroll = horizontalScroll.scroll(); }, onDrag() { horizontalScroll.scroll( this.startScroll - (this.x - this.startX) * dragRatio ); }, })[0]; let storyLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.story'); let years = document.querySelectorAll('.year'); years.forEach((year) => { ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: year, containerAnimation: scrollTween, onEnter: () => year.classList.add('selected'), start: 'left 90%', ease: 'none' }); }); storyLinks.forEach((storyLink) => { ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: storyLink, containerAnimation: scrollTween, onEnter: () => storyLink.classList.add('selected'), start: 'left 80%', ease: 'none' }); }); gsap.to('.navbar .button', { opacity: 1, pointerEvents: 'visible', duration: 1, ease: 'none', scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.panel.story-board', containerAnimation: scrollTween, start: 'left center', toggleActions: 'play none none reset', }, }); document.querySelectorAll('.button-round').forEach((anchor) => { anchor.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); let targetElem = document.querySelector( e.target.getAttribute('href') ), y = targetElem; if ( targetElem && panelsContainer.isSameNode(targetElem.parentElement) ) { let totalScroll = scrollTween.scrollTrigger.end - scrollTween.scrollTrigger.start, totalMovement = (sections.length - 1) * targetElem.offsetWidth; y = Math.round( scrollTween.scrollTrigger.start + (targetElem.offsetLeft / totalMovement) * totalScroll ); } gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: { y: y, autoKill: false, }, duration: 1, }); }); }); } }; <?php $timeline = get_timeline(); ?> <section class="panel story-board" id="storyBoard"> <ul class="years"> <?php foreach ($timeline as $item) : ?> <?php if (!empty($item['lodge_ids']) || !empty($item['story_ids'])) : ?> <li class="year"> <?= (!empty($item['year'])) ? '<h3>' . $item['year'] . '</h3>' : ''; ?> <?php $lodgeClass = (!empty($item['lodge_ids'])) ? 'has-lodge' : ''; ?> <ul class="stories <?= $lodgeClass; ?>"> <?php if (!empty($item['lodge_ids'])) : ?> <?php foreach ($item['lodge_ids'] as $lodgeId) : ?> <li class="story lodge"> <div class="inner"> <div class="story-head"> <div class="location"> <h5><?= get_the_title($lodgeId); ?></h5> <p> <?php $terms = get_the_terms($lodgeId, 'location'); if ($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)) { $single_term = reset($terms); $term_name = $single_term->name; echo str_replace(' - ', ', ', $term_name); } ?> </p> </div> <div class="dated"> <span class="opened">Opened</span> <span class="date"> <span><?= get_the_date('M', $lodgeId); ?></span> <span> <?php $year = get_the_date('Y', $lodgeId); echo substr($year, 0, 2) . '<br>' . substr($year, 2); ?> </span> </span> </div> </div> <?php if (has_post_thumbnail($lodgeId)) : ?> <div class="story-img"> <?php $thumb_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($lodgeId); ?> <img src="<?= $thumb_url; ?>" alt="Featured" class="lazyload visi" /> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $post_content = get_post($lodgeId); $content = $post_content->post_content; if ($content) : ?> <div class="excerpt"> <?= wpautop($content); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($item['story_ids'])) : foreach ($item['story_ids'] as $storyId) : $storyDate = get_post_meta($storyId, 'story-date', true); $storyTitle = get_the_title($storyId); $storyGuest = get_post_meta($storyId, 'your-name', true); $storyLodges = get_post_meta($storyId, 'lodge-visited', true); $storyWords = get_post_meta($storyId, 'story-words', true); ?> <li class="story"> <a href="#" class="story-link" data-story-id="<?= $storyId; ?>"> <span class="story-date"> <?php if ($storyDate) { $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('M Y', $storyDate); $formatted_date = $date->format('M Y'); echo $formatted_date; } ?> </span> <?php $attachments = get_attached_media('', $storyId); if (!empty($attachments)) : $single_attachment = reset($attachments); $attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url($single_attachment->ID); $file_ext = wp_check_filetype($attachment_url); ?> <div class="story-img"> <?php if (($file_ext['ext'] === 'jpg' || $file_ext['ext'] === 'jpeg' || $file_ext['ext'] === 'png')) : ?> <img src="<?= $attachment_url; ?>" alt="<?= $single_attachment->post_title; ?>" style="display: block; width: 100%;"> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ($file_ext['ext'] === 'mp4' || $file_ext['ext'] === 'mov') : ?> <video> <source src="<?= $attachment_url; ?>" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support HTML video. </video> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="story-auth"> <?php if ($storyGuest) { echo '<span>' . $storyGuest . '</span>'; } if ($storyLodges) { echo '<span>' . str_replace(',', ', ', $storyLodges) . '</span>'; } ?> </div> <div class="story-excerpt"> <?= ($storyWords) ? wp_trim_words($storyWords, 20, '...') : ''; ?> </div> </a> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> </ul> </li> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <div class="story-tail"> <h2>Pioneering spirit, enduring purpose</h2> <p> As we look to the next 30 years of our conservation journey, Lorem ipsum donor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. </p> </div> </section>
  7. Hi again Is there a way to add scrolling to left and right? What I mean by this is that when on a Macbook and I use the trackpad, I'm unable to scroll left or right using 2 fingers. I hope this question makes sense.
  8. This works for me. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
  9. Hi Based on the demo codepen provided by you, how can I add the draggable plugin? Note that this must also work on mobile. Thanks
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