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  1. Yes, but it's not published yet I hope soon, finally..
  2. Legends, I need some guidance. Who can help me in the right direction? I'd like to replicate the effect on the homepage of https://www.barovier.com/it/. The lighting and the ripple effect on the background image. Any idea how this can be achieved?
  3. @smallio how is it going for you? Made any progress?
  4. @jesper.landberg sweet, yes that's it. Thanks, cheers man!
  5. I understand the tilt effect on scroll, but what about the angle the content/image makes on scroll after a certain point: http://prntscr.com/mtw53w ?
  6. @smallio Lol yes, thanks so much! And I would really appreciate it. This is for our own website which we're doing the rebranding and redesign for. And we're checking out animations we'd like to incorporate. Let me see if I can figure out how to share my details.
  7. @smallio checking it out now, thanks so much! Love this community so far, people are so helpful
  8. Hi guys! I'm wondering if you could point me in the right direction. Ideally I'd like to have a portfolio similar to https://antoni.de/cases/ and https://www.ultranoir.com/ where users can browse through projects and on click a page transition takes place where the featured images expands and open the single case page. I have been scouring these forums but can't find anything similar. Thanks!
  9. Good one, useful and cool effect indeed.
  10. Thanks @Shaun Gorneau and @Carl, will have a look! Was hoping there was a template for the exact effect, but I guess we have to create something ourselves to achieve a similar result. Thanks for the help!
  11. I'd love to know how we can create the effect where the angle of content (text/image) changes in the top of the screen and then fades on scroll. Any idea if there's a codepen for this or a tutorial?
  12. Hi, How can i make this effect only once , because now the effect is running a loop , i ned it only once after visible the content Thanks
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