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Posts posted by therddlr

  1. I made this function


    function wrap(el, wrapper) {
      wrapper = document.createElement('div')
      wrapper.className = 'text-reveal-transform-wrapper'
      el.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, el)


    And then loop throught splitText output. Seems like solution!

  2. Hello!


    I am trying to achieve similar text up/down transformY reveal effect as this examples





    For this effect I need a parent div for every transformed element with overflow: hidden. 


    I tried 


    type: 'lines, lines'


    But unfortunately this doesn't work. Is there any workaround?


    See the Pen aPJpRd by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen


    See the Pen aPJpRd by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen

  3. @Carl thank you, didn't know that! SVG has so many secrets ?


    Incredibly enlightening, can't believe how much time I needed to spent to figure this out myself, so THANK YOU again.


    Then probably I could make another animation for this.

  4. Guys, sorry for third issue, but I have no idea what is going on! 

    I have the same animation with anime.js and it's working no problemo.

    Trying to migrate to GSAP and have this issues over and over.


    See the Pen MZKRNN by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen


    Why rotationY doesn't apply?


    (the second issue here transformOrigin doesn't set by TweenMax.set properly, but I already created dedicated topic about this)

    See the Pen MZKRNN by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen

  5. Here I need brackets transformed to the center of `#logo` but instead it transformed only a little bit. If I use absolute pixels then it's transformed, but I need relative! 

    See the Pen jXWdaN by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen


    What's strange is that anime.js transforms as expected...

    And if you type this values in DevTools also works great. But GSAP works differently!

    Not sure why this happens?

    See the Pen jXWdaN by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen

  6. Is this possible to access animated element node or at least some index of stagger in onComplete? I see no data in fucntion


    this.tl.staggerFromTo('#hello > path', 2, {
      drawSVG: '50% 50%'
    }, {
      drawSVG: '100%',
      onComplete: (i) => {
        console.log('DONE', i) // undefined
    }, 1)


    For example, I want to add fill when stagger of particular element is complete. Or other stuff...

  7. First of, I beg your pardon for creating this topic since it's unrelated to GSAP directly, more like SVG esoteric stuff. But I am complete Illustrator beginner, started using it only a week ago. And this animations things a tight together so much!


    So, after diggin around this is what I found. 


    1. First option is to fill original shape! But it looks like it is inconvenient way to work with illustrations, or am I wrong here (don't have real-world practice yet)


    2. So I found second option:

      - Outline stroke on path

      - Remove Fill and add Stroke

      - Release Compound Path!

    Now you have 2 shapes: inner and outter. Wew, that was wierd!


    What do you think? What workflow pro's have? Can't find any tips on this topic.

  8. Hello, guys! 


    Recently started to use GSAP in my apps, and I can't stop enjoying it. Still exploring it, so time to time have some issues. Like this.


    If you click logo FAST multiple times then it's broken! 


    See the Pen bQPXRB by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen


    Looks like GSAP doesn't clean up transitions, if new animation happens before previous completed? How do I handle situations like this? 

    See the Pen bQPXRB by dubdub (@dubdub) on CodePen

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