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Everything posted by dazzafact

  1. Can anybody give me a hint, what i've missed to zoom it to the given coordinates? This animation just zooms to the Center of the Image. Thats not what i want. i want these coordiantes [0.9,0.8] This is just in simple Code example. My original Code is using more paramters. But i just want to understand how this Works Thanks
  2. Hey, thanks! i think this was what iam looking for: timeline.seek(time); let label = timeline.currentLabel(); Many Thanks
  3. Ok, i have found a solution. I thought Labels could be fix my problem also. No Problem. i just build another array arr[time]=ids
  4. Yes, i try. How i can get a var/Label of a specific TIme? $id=$tl.time(23).label('id') (which i have defined previously) ?? A demo? mhhh i even dont know how o solve this ? $tl.time($id) $tl.time($id)
  5. is it possible to give me the variable of a previously defined second? For example: i want to define id's in the loop for a Timerange. After i want to call it outside the loop $tl =gsap.timeline({}) var startatText=0; for(id in arr){ $text[id ] = $('element') $tl.fromTo($text[id ] ,{alpha:0,x:($w/2)},{alpha:1,duration:fade},startatText) .to($text[id ] ,{duration:textDur},'>') .to($text[id ] ,{alpha:0,duration:fade},'>'); startatText +=textDur+(fade*2); } //... $id=23 var idOfSecond= $tl.time($id)
  6. Hey, Thanks, i will try somethink like this and response again to it. ?
  7. Hello, Thanks for your great Plugin! Right now iam working on an Slideshow Maker.The Slideshowmaker can have several Media Objects, which changed by user. I found out, its not that easy, just working with the method "to()", because of the calculation of the parallel objects (like Background Music). is there an easier Way? It whold be cool to work with fix Seconds to order the elements. I need somethink like $tl.FromTo($el,0,2,{params}) $tl.FromTo($el,2,5,{params}) $tl.FromTo($el,1,6,{params})
  8. How can i pass variables from a Loop i expect to access Values param1,param2,param3,etc But it always gives the last key param13 for (i in $slideTextArr){ let y=i; slideAni.eventCallback("onStart", function(t){ console.log(t) // always last key "param13" }, ["param"+y]); } UPDATE Solution: for (i in $slideTextArr){ let y=i; slideAni.to(textMesh[i],{ onStart:function(t){ console.log(t) }, onStartParams: ["param"+y] }) }
  9. I need a Slideshow animation based on HTML5 or Canvas Object OR https://pixijs.io/ creating this as Template: https://youtu.be/d-nK3J1Ks3k For good workers more Slideshow Projects !
  10. OK heres my Pen the Problem is that the tweenMax events can not start delayed, they start all nearly same, no matter if the delay is increased. so i expect to initial the tween with a given delay please look at Console.log
  11. Hello i run the tweenmax in a loop for a Videoslideshow Between new Titles in a delay of 5 seconds , . the problem is that the loop is pointing to the last title, because it not async (and not waiting) event "onStart" is always starting immediately - so maybe a solution would be a new Event which start after the delay "onDelayStart" loop1 TweenMax.to(title, 1, {pixi:{onStart:function(){title.text='Label 1';},alpha:1, delay:0,colorizeAmount:1}}); loop2 TweenMax.to(title, 1, {pixi:{onStart:function(){title.text='Label 2';},alpha:1, delay:5,colorizeAmount:1}}); loop3 TweenMax.to(title, 1, {pixi:{onStart:function(){title.text='Label 3';},alpha:1, delay:10,colorizeAmount:1}});
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