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Everything posted by wefwef

  1. I am pretty sure you don't need React for banner ads ?
  2. Thanks, this is exactly what I need!
  3. Oh, I think I got it .from(el, 0.850, { y: 50, ease:Elastic.easeOut, onComplete: () => { done() } }, 0) .from(el, 0.850, { opacity: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, 0) So this is the way to go solution with GSAP?
  4. I don't understand your solution. This is my current code const timeline = new TimelineMax() timeline .from(el, 0.850, { y: 50, opacity: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, onComplete: () => { done() } }) .staggerFrom(this.$refs['fullscreen-nav-menu-item'], 1, { y: 50, opacity: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, }, 0.05, "-=0.8") Also, does this mean GSAP doesn't have something like this? opacity: { value: [0, 1], easing: 'easeOutExpo', }
  5. After 1-hour searching I give up! And decide to register on forum. Is it possible to have separate easings for each values? For example here, opacity with this easing looks ugly, so I want opacity linear, while still having other stuff with easing timeline .from(el, 0.850, { y: 50, opacity: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut, onComplete: () => { done() } }) Is it possible?
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