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Evans Hunt

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  1. Hello @OSUblake, sorry for the late reply! The above code definitely helped out my widget a lot, but i'm just wondering what the intoAnim object is referencing on the onEnter callback? Thanks.
  2. Hello, I am creating a multi-panel scrolling widget using the GSAP ScrollTrigger and ScrollTo plugins. When scrolling past the 2nd panel, I use ScrollTrigger to pin an SVG, and ScrollTo to override the snapping behaviour. I'm encountering a slight jump on the initial pinning of my SVG and am not sure what the cause is or how to alternatively smooth this out. My Codepen example isn't too bad, but still noticeable, and if i were to add more content the jump/glitch becomes more prominent. The Codepen example is identical to my project's widget markup and styling. If there are any questions or context needed, I can provide it in this thread. Thanks
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