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Everything posted by AlexR

  1. Thanks again for being for patient and helping out with this. So I'm trying to account for my situation in your example - If I kill() the second tween which has an offset of 2 seconds, I want to immediately go to the third tween without having to wait the remainder of that offset. In essence, just dropping down to the next tween as if the second tween never happened and continuing on from there. Now, I have my tweens complete() then kill() immediately, and that works, but it seems to still keep the offset - So i'm waiting on the offset to finish before i see the next tween. So, in my example here's what would be happening, first I wouldn't separate the tweens for one object. I have it where the each tween sequentially takes care of a specific object, like so: timeline.append(TweenLite.to(DP[i], SPEED, {autoAlpha:100, _xscale:100, _yscale:100, ease:Back.easeOut, onStart:loadVideoNow, onStartParams:[DP[i], DP[i].videoName]})); timeline.append(TweenLite.to(aContainer.aHolder, SPEED, {_x:-(DP[i]._x), _y:-(DP[i]._y), ease:Cubic.easeOut}),-SPEED*1.2); timeline.append(TweenLite.to(DP[i].dBoxArrow, SPEED/2, {_y:DP[i].dBoxArrow.ENDPOSY, _x:DP[i].dBoxArrow.ENDPOSX, _yscale:100, _xscale:100, ease:Strong.easeOut, onComplete:killAudioEQ, onCompleteParams:[DP[i]]}),int(DP[i].videoDura)+int(DP[i].holdOVRide)); (Where DP is and array of mc's i'm looping through.) So a box appears, centers to the stage, and there's an arrow that points to the next box. This animation is held the length of the video (which i put in as the offset of int(DP.videoDura)+int(DP.holdOVRide) in the example above, where videoDura is just a number var stored in a movieclip). Man that's a mouth full! This system works fine. Now i'm trying to end the video, after it starts playing, and continue on to the next tween so i have a function that does the following: boton.onRelease = function() { var tweens:Array = timeline.getChildren(); //trace(CURVIDCONT); for (var i:Number = 0; i if (tweens[i].target == CURVIDCONT) { var mc:MovieClip = tweens[i].target; trace(mc); trace(mc._parent); trace(mc.dBoxArrow); mc.complete(); mc.kill(); mc._parent.complete(); mc._parent.kill(); mc.dBoxArrow.complete(); mc.dBoxArrow.kill(); CURVIDCONT.nStream.pause(); } } trace(CURVIDCONT.nStream.time); trace(CURVIDCONT.videoDura); var timeShift:Number = CURVIDCONT.videoDura - CURVIDCONT.nStream.time; trace(timeShift); timeline.shiftChildren(timeShift, true , 0); }; Is this confusing or what? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Let me clear something up. I'm looking to reset/end/kill the offset that is created when I append a particular tween object when I force that same object to complete/kill. Does this make sense? Will shiftChildren account for the offset?
  3. Alright, So I have a issue that I need some assistance on. I have a TimelineMax setup where I set multiple tweens together based on some XML info. Some of these tweens involve a video that plays and the delay of the Timeline tween is based on the duration of the video. Everything works great. I have now been tasked to have a skip feature and have run into said issue. I was able to kill the specific target inside my timeline tween, with help from a tidbit of info from Jack earlier (which worked like a charm), and fake-the-funk when it comes to the video playback, but what I don't see happening is the overwriting of the timelline max's delay. Is there a way to rest this delay of kill it so that the next object can begin tweening immediately after
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