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  1. Anyone have recommendation for getting the smoothest tweens on the iPad with our beloved GreenSock classes? I've been noticing some frame dropping when executing tweens in the app I'm developing. Here's what I have going on when I notice it: //advance a movieclip mask to reveal part of image TweenMax.to(this.levelMask, 1, {frame:theRot, ease:Linear.easeNone}); //scale down the clicked sprite this.timeline = new TimelineLite(); this.timeline.append( TweenMax.to(this.dotArray[i], .5, {scaleX:1.5,scaleY:1.5,ease:Elastic.easeOut}) ); this.timeline.append( TweenMax.to(this.dotArray[i], .5, {scaleX:0,scaleY:0,ease:Strong.easeOut}) ); this.timeline.play(); //play the next audio cue TweenMax.delayedCall(1.5, playCue); Any thoughts? Should I remove the event listener from the clicked sprite right away? Fire the tweens in a different order? Thanks!
  2. Thank you so much for your help. I am jumping into a project that was coded in AS2 and Tweener was used for all the motion. I'm tackling the preloader first as it wasn't really working properly in the first place and then I'll move everything else over to be more efficient and updated. I've been out of the actionscripting world for awhile so I will definitely look into TweenLite/Max. Thanks again. Your reply did the trick.
  3. I am attempting to preload a SWF and place it in my stage. Everything seems to work great except when I alpha up the container containing the SWF, I see that the alpha edges have a lot of "scunge" around them. If I leave the alpha of the container at 100, there is no problem. Anyone have any thoughts or similar experiences? Here's my code: LoaderMax.activate([MP3Loader, SWFLoader, VideoLoader]); var loader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("preloadlist.xml", {onComplete:completeHandler, estimatedBytes:50000, onProgress:progressHandler}); loader.load(); function hideDoodle(event:LoaderEvent):void { ExternalInterface.call("showAds()"); container_entry.alpha=0; Tweener.addTween(container_home,{alpha:100, time:1, transition:"easeOut"}); Tweener.addTween(doodle_mc,{alpha:0, time:.5, transition:"easeOut"}); Tweener.addTween(doodle_pad,{scaleX:0,scaleY:0, time:2, transition:"easeOut"}); } function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { var home_v6:SWFLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("home_v6"); container_home.addChild(home_v6.content); container_home.alpha=0; setChildIndex(doodle_pad,2); setChildIndex(container_home,1); if (visited == "no") { //PLAY WELCOME VIDEO var video:VideoLoader = LoaderMax.getLoader("E1-ENTRY"); container_entry.addChild( video.content ); video.playVideo(); video.addEventListener("videoComplete", hideDoodle); }else{ ExternalInterface.call("showAds()"); Tweener.addTween(doodle_mc,{alpha:0, time:1, transition:"easeOut"}); Tweener.addTween(container_home,{alpha:100, time:1, transition:"easeOut"}); Tweener.addTween(doodle_pad,{scaleX:0,scaleY:0, time:2, delay:2, transition:"easeOut",onComplete:function(){container_home.vid_bottom.play();}}); } var queue2:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("queue2"); queue2.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, queue2CompleteHandler); queue2.load(); } Many thanks in advance. This is a great preloader!
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