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Everything posted by JoSch

  1. @PointC Awesome, thanks so much! Makes perfect sense to me, still gotta wrap my head around the logic of the TweenMax timeline and how to configure it.
  2. Thank you for your reply @mikel! Below is a CodePen demo of my code, thanks for making me aware of the need to provide one. In the CodePen, the first path is being drawn as desired, from the top of the page, as the page is being scrolled. The other paths are not in the timeline yet. Thanks also for you're example. I don't quite understand how the chaining/sequencing of animations works, I wasn't able to fully implement your solution (it also uses DrawSVG which I don't have access too). How would I have to put my three paths into the timeline to be drawn at the same time, without using DrawSVG?
  3. Hi, I just started out working with GASP, taking baby steps. The first thing I wanted to do, was to use ScrollMagic to draw a SVG path (inside a container) as the page is being scrolled through. I heavily relied on this ScrollMagic example when setting this up. This is my current script: // Prepare SVG function pathPrepare_journey($el) { var lineLength_journey = $el[0].getTotalLength(); $el.css("stroke-dasharray", lineLength_journey); $el.css("stroke-dashoffset", lineLength_journey); } var $journey1 = $("path#path1"); var $journey1_2 = $("path#path2"); var $journey1_3 = $("path#path3"); pathPrepare_journey($journey1); pathPrepare_journey($journey1_2); pathPrepare_journey($journey1_3); // Reference to container var container = $("#section1"); var containerHeight = $(container).height(); var vpHeight = $(window).height(); // Init controller var SVGcontroller_journey = new ScrollMagic.Controller(); // Build tween var tween_journey = new TimelineMax().add( TweenMax.to($journey1, 1, { strokeDashoffset: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone }) ); // Build scene var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: container, duration: containerHeight - vpHeight / 2, tweenChanges: true }) .setTween(tween_journey) .addIndicators({ name: "Draw Journey Lines#1", colorTrigger: "brown", colorStart: "brown", colorEnd: "brown", indent: 600 }) .addTo(SVGcontroller_journey); It works perfectly fine, but as you can see, I have three individual paths inside my SVG ($journey1, $journey1_2 & $journey1_3), and the ScrollMagic scene currently only draws one of them, $journey1, because I was only able to add that one to the TimelineMax(). My simple question: How do I add the other paths so they are drawn at the same time as $journey1? I was able to add the other paths, but they are being drawn consecutively: // Build tween var tween_journey = new TimelineMax() .add( TweenMax.to($journey1, 1, { strokeDashoffset: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone }) ) .add( TweenMax.to($journey1_2, 1, { strokeDashoffset: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone }) ); I appreciate any help with this. Thanks.
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