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Everything posted by saitansky

  1. Hi Jack, Thx for the answer (Im feeling a bit bad/sad to have forget about the possibility to add function into a add hihi). The second one (add) is the one i was looking for. The reason why I don't use nested its because the project is a interactive comic book, where we have 21 section (different from each other) and each section have different scene in it (multiple small animation that don't have influence over others) I've found multiple small timeline easier to work with in my case. The only thing following is the UI-UX and you cant come back from one section to another, even scene are always going forward. its part of the story (multiple ending and every choice you make influence the story and you need to endorse every one of them) Maybe i will use a master for every section. Thx for the article and the answer , have a great day, Alex
  2. I've searched a lot and nothing seem to answer if we can or cannot add a delay on a onComplete. I want to wait, example 5 second before executing the function I call. There plenty way to do it, like adding a ending animation that don't really animate with a duration, adding a javascript timer in my new function before beginning, etc. But I wanted something more elegant like (P.S. I don't want to add the delay on my next animation ideally) : var tl_section05_01 = new TimelineMax({onComplete:step02[delay:1]}); --> I know this wont work hihi its just a example or tl_section05_01.eventCallback('onComplete', step02, delay:5); --> I will have like to be able to add a delay on a eventCallBack in a timeline, it's is possible? But I can't figure if its possible and how put a delay on a onComplete event. Basically, when my timeline finish, I want to execute a function after 5 sec, to give a break between my animation and the next function Thx you very much in advance, Alex
  3. Wow, just wow, if god exist your are certainly him that work perfectly. Two word to say : Thank you!
  4. kk firstly i want to say thank you for all your work, secondly plz don't look my english it pretty bad the code all is in a class.as : // my var i use in this example public var tweenContainer:TimelineMax; // the function create each movieclip and build it public function constructProduct(productType:Number, trackNumber:Number):void { var array1:Array = new Array("0","_product_1","_product2","_product_3","_product_4","_product_5"); var array2:Array = new Array("0","product_1","product_2","product_3","product_4","product_5"); var maClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(array2[productType]) as Class; var monClip:MovieClip = new maClass(); monClip.buttonMode = true; monClip.x = 100 + (25*trackNumber); monClip.y = -(25*trackNumber); monClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragProduct); monClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragProduct); monClip.name = array1[productType]; this.array3[trackNumber].addChild(monClip); // my famous time line tweenContainer = new TimelineMax(); tweenContainer.append( new TweenMax(monClip, 1, {y:(300 - (25*trackNumber)), ease:Bounce.easeOut}) ); tweenContainer.append( new TweenMax(monClip, 5, {x:(850 + (25*trackNumber)), ease:Linear.easeNone}) ); } //function event we just need the drag function for this exemple private function getPosition(target:Object):void { xPos = target.x; yPos = target.y; } public function dragProduct(e:MouseEvent):void { tweenContainer.pause(); getPosition(e.target); e.target.startDrag(true); } all work fine, the animation animate each movieclip, the only problem i have ( and it not related to the timeline itself ) but to how call specific one or (probably more the solution) how build dynamic time line. i want when you click on a product (monClip) the animation stop for this product, now he stop the last timeline call (it normal because they have all the same identifier). also im not obligatory to be a timlinemax, i can do two tweenMax with one with delay, if the solution with simple tweenMax is more easy if in not enough clear i can describe more about what i expect to have in this function. thanks you very much in advance, Alex Grenier
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