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Posts posted by seanhak

  1. You could load the actual youtube player API( chromeless or not ) with LoaderMax ( as swfLoader) - which is great for automatic loader parsing - then check if URL is youtube domain, parse loader to a youtube wrapper class which has all the API method calls ready - which are by default pretty similair to the one of the VideoLoaders.


    I did something like this when testing YouTube API, I didnt like that I had to load the API player in url, and the actual youtube ID as the name. felt I was stinking up the XML with loads of urls to the same player. Another thing I remembered was the the inability to load custom arguments from my node.

    Is there a way to get additional arguments which are not defined by the SWFLoader class, but added the same node?


    For example:

  2. Hey I'm new to the forums but a longtime user of GreenSock classes.


    I just spent some time debuging my app when I found out the reason why the styleSheet wasn't loading was because I had commented some stuff out /* like this */ .


    I was just curious if this is CSSLoader specificly or CSSParsing in general, I can't remember I've gotten this error sans LoaderMax?

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