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Everything posted by seanhak

  1. Now that 10.2 is available as RC can we expect StageVideo to be implemented as an option? I can still use the VideoLoaders netstream object, but it would be really nice to let VideoLoader do all the handling for this (including "normal" video object fallback). Much thanks
  2. You could load the actual youtube player API( chromeless or not ) with LoaderMax ( as swfLoader) - which is great for automatic loader parsing - then check if URL is youtube domain, parse loader to a youtube wrapper class which has all the API method calls ready - which are by default pretty similair to the one of the VideoLoaders. I did something like this when testing YouTube API, I didnt like that I had to load the API player in url, and the actual youtube ID as the name. felt I was stinking up the XML with loads of urls to the same player. Another thing I remembered was the the inability to load custom arguments from my node. Is there a way to get additional arguments which are not defined by the SWFLoader class, but added the same node? For example:
  3. Hey I'm new to the forums but a longtime user of GreenSock classes. I just spent some time debuging my app when I found out the reason why the styleSheet wasn't loading was because I had commented some stuff out /* like this */ . I was just curious if this is CSSLoader specificly or CSSParsing in general, I can't remember I've gotten this error sans LoaderMax?
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