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Everything posted by schugabug

  1. I found it, it was in the js file I didn't put a space in between the .split(' '), I thought I had. var projectClasses = $(this).attr('class').split(''), projectClass = projectClasses[1];
  2. schugabug

    css transitions

    Hi, Need some help. I am working on Petr Tichy's Greensock course and have hit a problem i can't figure out. The background is suppose to transition to 3 different colors with each new project. Its flashing the first project color and then jumping to the 3rd project color and staying there. I have no idea what is wrong. Could one of you experts take a look? Thanks in advance! Barbara
  3. Thank you Jack! I found more errors after that in my html and js. But it is working now.
  4. now it says Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number its pointing to the 2nd to last line as the problem and also a parenthesis is in red on the last line. I have counted the parenthesis numerous times and cant find the issue.. Anybody see it? (function($){ //variables var $projects = $('.projects'), //projects container targets every element on the page $project = $('.project'), //individual projects $projectImageBefore = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".project-image:before"), //circle behind the image $projectImageAfter = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".project-image:after"), //other circle tlProjects, tlProject; //master timeline & //cheatsheet basic sytax tlProject = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 2}); //repeat infinitly/repeatDelay 2 seconds // target every item on the page now var projectClasses = $project.attr('class').split(''), projectClass = projectClasses[1]; console.log(projectClass); //finds all instnatces of all pixel inside of project $pixel =$project.find('.pixel'), $pixels =$project.find('.project-pixels'), $projectTitle =$project.find('.project-title'), $projectSubtitle =$project.find('.project-subtitle'), $projectImage =$project.find('.project-image'); //create a project timeline tlProject .set([$projectTitle, $projectSubtitle, $pixel], {autoAlpha: 0}), -->{fromTo($projectImage,0.4, {autoAlpha: 0, xPercent:'-200'}, {autoAlpha: 1, xPercent:'-10', ease: Power4.easeInOut}); })(jQuery)
  5. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this? I've searched and searched and cant find it. I keep getting an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token var at main.js:5 at main.js:17 (function($){ //variables var $projects = $('.projects'), //projects container targets every element on the page $project = $('.project'), //individual projects $projectImageBefore = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".project-image:before"), //circle behind the image $projectImageAfter = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".project-image:after"), //other circle tlProjects, tlProject; //cheatsheet basic sytax tlProject = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 2}); //repeat infinitly/repeatDelay 2 seconds // target every item on the page now var projectClasses =$project.attr('class').split(''), projectClass = projectClasses[1]; console.log(projectClass); })(jQuery);
  6. no, sorry its not working, It wasn't working before I changed that link.
  7. Hi, The circles are fall perfectly on codepen, but when I move it to my site I can't seem to get it to work properly. It was working in Dreamweaver and then it stopped, so I started messing around with the links etc and it worked and then stopped working. It could be I am missing a cdn or jquery.... I don't know what the problem is, can someone take a look? I use to work on this in flash so this setup is all new to me . Thanks in advance... http://www.bschug.com It still works in codepen... Barbara
  8. Hi OSUblake! That works perfectly and is exactly what I was looking for! Now if I can just get my mind to work like that I'll be in good shape! Here it is in use.. http://codepen.io/barb1643/pen/dNRGgd Thank you! Barbara
  9. Hi! I am trying to simulate random size circles with random timing, dropping from the top of my page and fading out. It is working but I am sure that there is another more efficient way of doing this. I want it to expand across the top of the page. I'm a beginner at jscript and use to use gs flash. Things have changes alot since i was last doing this and I need to catch up with javascript. Can anyone show me what to do to make it more efficient? My code pen page is : http://codepen.io/barb1643/pen/jymeJG Thanks in advance! Barb
  10. Hi! I am trying to load an external swf into a swf, and keep getting this error. What does it mean? Thanks! ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property cachedOrphan not found on com.greensock.TweenMax and there is no default value. at com.greensock::TimelineLite/addChild() at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insert() at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insertMultiple() at nutroBanner_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
  11. I rewrote it, viewed the video again, still not working. getting this error and don't understand why 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type com.greensock.core:TweenCore.
  12. Hi....I'm a new club member and have some questions! Can the splitTextField be used in timelinemax? In the code below line 5 isn't working. any ideas why? I also can't get it to repeat the full sequence. When I use the var tl no matter how I write it doesn't work, I get the 1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 3. //var tl:TweenMax=new TweenMax({repeatDelay:5,repeat:3); TweenMax.allFrom(la.textFields, 1, {y:"-100", autoAlpha:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.05); TweenMax.to(la,1,{delay:3, x:"-250", ease:Elastic.easeIn, alpha:.25}); TweenMax.to (dt,1,{delay:5,x:49, y:331, ease:Elastic.easeOut, alpha:1}); TweenMax.to(dt.textFields, 1, {y:"-100", autoAlpha:1, ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.05); TweenMax.to(dt,1,{delay:8, x:228, y:331, ease:Elastic.easeIn, alpha:.25}); TweenMax.to(send,2,{delay:9, x:10, y:325, ease:Elastic.easeInOut, onComplete:myFunction}); function myFunction():void { trace("tween finished") } Thanks, Barbara
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