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  1. Hi! Many thanks to all!! Now it works super and I can control every loop thanks!!
  2. I have the same problem! I have a video that after finishing his loop, must be visible = false, but how can I know when the repeat is complete? I already tried with video_complete but it just works for every repeat. Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi, I have a little problem whit my images loop; I just want to create a loop of sliding images that go form right to left,using tweenMax.this is my code: //section1, section2, section3 are my 3 images function animateIn(obj:Object) { var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); obj.x = 1004; timeline.append(TweenMax.fromTo(obj, 2, {x:1004},{x:0, ease:Expo.easeInOut}) ); return timeline; } function animateOut(obj:Object) { var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); timeline.append(TweenMax.fromTo(obj, 2, {x:0},{x:-1004, ease:Expo.easeInOut}) ); return timeline; } // var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); timeline.append( animateIn(section1), -2); timeline.append( animateOut(section1)); timeline.append( animateIn(section2), -2); timeline.append( animateOut(section2)); timeline.append( animateIn(section3), -2); timeline.append( animateOut(section3) ); the problem is when this loop restart, because I have 1 second or more where the stage is empty, while the section1 restart his animation; how can I make this continuous loop ? thanks a lot Ale
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