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Everything posted by bignose

  1. Holy sh*t, that did it. My man! I'll do a CodePen next time. Thanks!
  2. I did an animation timeline for a sliding menu. It works fine, however, doing a reverse easing (when the menu slides back) seems a bit slow. I'd like to make it go faster or just change the easing to a regular Power0.ease on reverse. $('#menu').click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('open'); if ($('#menu').hasClass('open')) { tlMenu.restart(); } else { tlMenu.reverse(); } }); tlMenu.to('.swiper-container', 1, { css: { marginLeft: "45%" }, ease: Expo.easeOut }) .staggerFrom("#menu li", 0.5, { opacity: 0, x: -200, ease: Back.easeIn }, 0.1, '-=1.2'); tlMenu.pause(); This is a great forum. I appreciate the help from last time and thank you GSAP peeps in advance
  3. Thanks Craig! Although, I was able to read and watch tutorials about positioning parameters before, it turns out that my animation offsets were a bit off. I'm still getting the hang of it. Thanks again, and GSAP is fantastic.
  4. I'm pretty new with GSAP, and currently in a bit of a pickle. I would really appreciate any help. I'm trying to staggerFrom 10 image containers, however each container has a child image. I need to autoAlpha each image AS SOON as its respective parent has been animated and NOT after all 10 image containers had been animated. .staggerFrom("grid-item", 1, { y:-10, ease: Back.easeIn }, 0.3) .from("grid-item img", 1, {autoAlpha:0, ease: Back.easeIn }, 0.3) Thank you!
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