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  1. That's an awesome find Carl. I disabled Chrome's Flash plugin to use the system's Flash, cleared my cache to the beginning of time, and restarted the Mac. It ran the almost identical results to my previously posted Chrome w/ baked Flash. So I ran Safari and FireFox: Safari: Official Blitmask page 18-22fps for scrollRect, Regular Mask, and BlitMask Blitmask swf only page 10-12fps for scrollRect, Regular Mask, and BlitMask. FireFox: Official Blitmask page 40-55fps for scrollRect, Regular Mask, and BlitMask. It was very erratic. Blitmask swf only page 13-15fps for scrollRect, Regular Mask, and BlitMask. *Every test in every browser on every page, BlitMask w/ bitmapMode ran at 60fps. I am unsure as to why the system's flash ran such close results to Chrome's baked flash player.
  2. Browser on the Mac is Chrome 13.0.782.218 Following the link: http://greensock.com/as/swf/BlitMask_Demo.swf I got these results: First: At the top right corner the version was v0.23 Second: BlitMask 13 Avg FPS 59.9 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode) 60 Avg FPS 50.4 MB RAM Regular Mask 13.1 Avg FPS 25.7 MB RAM scrollRect 13.2 Avg FPS 25.8 MB RAM After that test, I tested this link again: http://www.greensock.com/blitmask/ I got these results: First: The version was v0.23 Second: BlitMask 40 Avg FPS 55.2 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode) 60 Avg FPS 48.3 MB RAM Regular Mask 33.4 Avg FPS 25.7 MB RAM scrollRect 42.5 Avg FPS 22.8 MB RAM This is crazy.
  3. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. I don't have much experience with Blitting. Those numbers that you said are more accurate (45fps vs 7.2fps) were run from my home PC laptop last night. I am back here on my work Mac, and Regular mask just averaged 55fps again.
  4. Yeah I let it run until the tween is completely done. I am running Chrome 13.0.782.218 At the top of the http://www.greensock.com/blitmask/ it reads: Version 0.23, Updated 2011-8-30 Right now I am testing from my laptop at home and here are my results: Windows 7 Quad Core i7 2.2Ghz 8GB RAM BlitMask 7 Avg FPS 52.8 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode) 45 Avg FPS 46.2 MB RAM Regular Mask 7.2 Avg FPS 20.9 MB RAM scrollRect 6.7 Avg FPS 20.9 MB RAM
  5. The glow is green. Different results this time: BlitMask 59.2 Avg FPS 78.9 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode) 59.9 Avg FPS 69.4 MB RAM Regular Mask 58.9 Avg FPS 44.4 MB RAM scrollRect 59.5 Avg FPS 44.5 MB RAM Strange instance: when I initially loaded it, it was set to BlitMask w/ bitmapMode selected. The MB RAM was running at 117. I had never seen it at this level before.
  6. I am running OS X with two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon and 12GB 1066MHz DDR3. I just did a retest. BlitMask 58.4 Avg FPS 59.4 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode) This looked incredible! 60 Avg FPS 52.3 MB RAM BlitMask(bitmapMode & smoothing) 60 Avg FPS 52.5 MB RAM Regular Mask 57.9 Avg FPS 27.4 MB RAM Regular Mask(cacheAsBitmap) 59.9 Avg FPS 28.2 MB RAM scrollRect 59.6 Avg FPS 27.6 MB RAM scrollRect(cacheAsBitmap) 60 Avg FPS 28.6 MB RAM Here are the results taken at the end of each tween. I also attached a screenshot of the Regular mask example.
  7. Ok. After delving a little deeper into the BlitMask Interactive example, the text that you used inside of the example was very helpful on giving me a general idea on Blitting and how it gets used in memory.
  8. Why is the MB Ram in scrollRect and Normal Mask 1/3 of the BlitMask MB Ram? While using the interactive example that GreenSock demonstrates BlitMask with, the MB Ram was clocking in at 34-36MB. The frame rate for BlitMask maintained a solid 60 fps. When I switched to the Regular Mask and scrollRect the MB Ram was at 12-14MB for both, they both ran 58-61 fps. Thanks for superb plugin, Rob
  9. Make sense? It makes a lot of sense! Thank you. I read into estimatedBytes and even played around with the interactive tool created to demonstrate its power, but I never realized that it was what LoaderMax used to get an overall progress of the LoaderMax, its children, and grandchildren. I thought estimatedBytes was used to make progress super-accurate as opposed to just accurate. Superb job!
  10. I want an overall progress on LoaderMax, but instead LoaderMax dispatches the individual progress of each of it's child loaders. I append an XMLLoader that contains a LoaderMax with a load="true". The LoaderMax loads the XML and displays the XMLLoader progress. Then the LoaderMax loads the XMLLoader's LoaderMax node, displaying the progress of that LoaderMax. It doesn't seem to integrate the progress into a whole progress. It seems like there is an easy solution that I just haven't come across yet. AS3 LoaderMax.activate([xmlLoader, VideoLoader,ImageLoader]); var initialload:LoaderMax=new LoaderMax({name:"initialLoad",onProgress:onLoadingProgress,onComplete:loadermaxCompleteHandler}); initialload.append(new XMLLoader("../bin/xml/mediacontent.xml",{name:"media"})); initialload.load(); private function onLoadingProgress(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("PROG",event.target.progress,event.target.rawProgress); //this is where it finishes loading what I believe is the XML, and then restarts on the XMLLoader's LoaderMax node //output PROG 0.9795634402991564 0.9795634402991564 //output PROG 0.9899991303591616 0.9899991303591616 //output PROG 0.051803897199684965 0.051803897199684965 //output PROG 0.08571744541615028 0.08571744541615028 } XML
  11. Definitely see what you mean. I already have the XMLLoader at work, throwing it a little bit more work shouldn't hurt it. 75% of me wanted to find a plugin, while the rest was wanting to code something of my own. This will be a nice chance to explore more into CuePoints in AS3. Thanks for the advice. Maybe if I get this optimized & slimmed down enough, I can put it up for a tutorial.
  12. Is there a component available that can handle captioning for the VideoLoader content? Flash's FLVPlaybackCaptioning was an option, but it seems to require a FLVPlayback player. Now that I have gotten a taste of VideoLoader, FLVPlayback can't be considered an option anymore.
  13. Hey great product and I am excited to be using it as a non-Animator. I just have a question a on a line of code that I have frequently seen on forums and tutorials. I am creating a video loader/player right now for my portfolio. I wanted to take full advantage of the XMLLoader and dynamically load my Loaders. Started to follow the tutorial http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ac ... e-premium/ . This tutorial basically does just that. I was having success with being able to retrieve my XML. However I get to this line: var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("assetLoader"); and it throws me this error: So instead I just casted it as LoaderMax like below. And now it works fine. My question is, 'Is there any way to do this without having to cast it to LoaderMax?'. I know this sounds petty, but I just want to do it like everyone else I have seen on the internet. var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("assetLoader") as LoaderMax; XML Code that is being used`.
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