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Everything posted by bethios

  1. Here's what I"m trying to do-- 1) Cloud guy flies around 2) object gets thrown, spirals down 3) Object gets replaced in cloud guys hand Right now step 3 isn't working. I tried to use tl.invalidate().restart() and clearProps: "all" on the object but the movement isn't starting over, it just sits in its starting position. Any thoughts?
  2. Here's basically what I'm trying to achieve 1) First item in array falls. 2) When it completes the fall it vanishes 3) It waits until all the other items have fallen in their turns to fall again help?
  3. I will master the onRepeat one day! I'm trying to make ingredients fall and then vanish when they do before they repeat again (so they aren't all just chilling at the bottom of my screen) function erase(){ TweenLite.set(this, { scale: 0 }); } var food = ['.meat', '.pepper', '.nori', '.toppings'] for(var i = 0; i < food.length; i++ ){ ing.to(food, 1, { rotation: 360, x: '+=30', y: yTo, scale: 1, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: time * food.length, ease: Power1.easeIn, onRepeat: erase }, time * i ,'start'); } Is it that the onRepeat doesn't fire until after the repeatDelay? Would it be smarter to just use a staggerTo?
  4. New to the forums and I'm trying to make this little 8-bit cat walk across the screen and when he gets there to flip 180 degrees and walk back. Haven't quite been able to figure out the proper way. Now I just have a moon-walking cat lol
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