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Massimiliano Aprea

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Everything posted by Massimiliano Aprea

  1. Hi, I've been trying to animate an SVG matrix, obtained by a Javascript matrix, but I have some problem when I try to swap the positions between 2 or more elements. Is there an easy way to do it? What I am currently doing is something like: var obj1 = elem1[0]._gsTransform; var obj2 = elem2[0]._gsTransform; var new_obj1 = elem1[0]._gsTransform; var new_obj2 = elem2[0]._gsTransform; new_obj1.xOrigin = obj2.xOrigin-obj1.xOrigin; new_obj1.yOrigin = obj2.yOrigin-obj1.yOrigin; new_obj2.xOrigin = obj1.xOrigin-obj2.xOrigin; new_obj2.yOrigin = obj1.yOrigin-obj2.yOrigin; var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to(obj1, 0.5, {x:'+='+new_obj1.xOrigin, y:'+='+new_obj1.yOrigin}, 0.5) .to(obj2, 0.5, {x:'+='+new_obj2.xOrigin, y:'+='+new_obj2.yOrigin}, 0.5) I don't stop/kill the timeline on each iteration. This works but if I let the animation working and then I navigate in an other website after a while the animation goes crazy because all the new positions are wrong. E.g: instead of being x=0, y=10 the position is x=-8, y=10. Is there any example on the Internet on matrix animation? I'd like something like the fifteen puzzle or easier. Massimiliano
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