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Everything posted by Josefina

  1. Thanks for all your help @PointC!!! I'm almost there! Is there a reason, why most of the animation happens at the beginning of the dragger? On my live site, it seems that you can drag all the way till the end but everything happens at 5% of the dragger progress. Also, I'm having an issue with theDragger, seems like it didn't have a variable, so I defined it at the top of the file. It resolved some issues, but not all of them. I have on codepen a mini version of my application here: https://codepen.io/joseterrera/pen/MGgxYB?editors=1010 I'm running the application also here: http://e5ff19c7.ngrok.io/
  2. I guess my question is, how do I tie draggable to my go() function that contains my animation sequence. @PointC, @Shaun Gorneau
  3. Thanks @Shaun Gorneau and @PointC, I think this is jquery too: $("#slider").slider({ range: false, min: 0, max: 100, step:.1, slide: function ( event, ui ) { tl.pause(); //adjust the timeline's progress() based on slider value tl.progress( ui.value/100 ); } }); function updateSlider() { $("#slider").slider("value", tl.progress() *100); } I guess I was having difficulty adjusting this to plain js.
  4. Is there a sequence-video like this one: https://greensock.com/sequence-video that doesn't use jquery, but just plain javascript? thank you!
  5. Josefina

    Moving Clouds

    something like this @PointC? somehow this creates an error... .add(clearStage(), 'scene-clear-stage', 0) .add(cloudsMoving(), 'clouds-moving', 1) .add(enterFloorVegetation(), 'scene-floor-vegetation', 0)
  6. Josefina

    Moving Clouds

    Thank you for the feedback @PointC and @OSUblake. As far as running animation simultaneously, how do I go about it? It seems that the other animation I have does not start running until the cloud one stops. But the cloud should be moving all the time, at the same time as the other animation that I have (such as eyes blinking, flowers moving, eggs shaking etc).
  7. Josefina

    Moving Clouds

    I'm having an issue with clouds which doesn't fully show on this pen since it looks as if they are moving all the way through. I'm tyring to get them to move from left to right. On the actual site, they stop at a certain point and disappear and start over. How do we calculate position responsively and make it move along the screen?
  8. Josefina

    flip an object

    Thank you for the fast feedback. I can definitely work with the red box animation. Thank you!
  9. Josefina

    flip an object

    I'm trying to create this effect. A hand/paw pushes an object and the object either flips or wiggles a bit and drops something. The wiggle effect so far looks a bit too strong. When I try something like: .to("#basket", 1, {rotation:-10, transformOrigin:"right 30%"}) .to("#basket", 1, {rotation:0, transformOrigin:"0"}); The object does not go back to its original spot. Any suggestions?
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