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Everything posted by Albo

  1. Oh man! Thanks a lot!!!
  2. Sure. My question is: why if I delete the colors variable it doesn't run?
  3. Hi, after downloaded the v.12 and simplifing the function inside the bouncing_ball.html file (inside the example folder) I can see a variable (originally an array) that is needed to play the animation. (function() { var ball = document.getElementById('ball'), colors = ""; function play() { ball.style.marginLeft = "0px"; var tl = new TimelineLite({delay:0.5}); tl.to(ball, 0.5, {css:{marginTop:0}}) .to(ball, 1, {css:{marginLeft:"+=450px"}, ease:Bounce.easeOut}) .to(ball, 1, {css:{marginLeft:0}, ease:Quint.easeOut}, 1) .call(play); } play(); })(); I can't understand why if I remove this variable the animation it doesn't work. Originally the variable it was an array: colors = ["#480e6e","#fc4239","#ffd400","#00c4df"]; that tl timeline it was using to change the color of the ball in this way: .to(ball, 1, {css:{marginLeft:0, backgroundColor:colors[ Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length) ]}}, 1) It sounds a bit strange... May you help me? Thanks!
  4. Hi all, how is possible to do and effect like in http://www.greensock.com/ (the flash visual) when the speed of the balls became slow when the text myTimeline.timeScale = 0.2 appear on the left ? How is it possible to do that? The timeScale property is twennable? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey, thanks! With a bit of motionBlur effect it's really cool effect... import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([MotionBlurPlugin]); var tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({}); tl.append(TweenLite.to(mc, .3, {x:360, motionBlur:{strength:1, quality:2}, ease:Cubic.easeInOut})); tl.append(TweenLite.to(mc, 2, {x:380, motionBlur:{strength:.1, quality:3}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); tl.append(TweenLite.to(mc, .2, {x:800, motionBlur:{strength:2, quality:2}, ease:Cubic.easeInOut})); Thanks again!
  6. I have a text that enters from left in a very fast way. One only instance therefore, that cross around 300 pixels from left to right at all speed and then it slow down drastically, but without staying, and for two seconds it continues the movement always following the same direction. After these two seconds the speed increases quickly and the text goes out of the stage. A classical scene of a slow-motion movie. I checked out TimelineLite and TimelineMax but really didn't discovered how to do this effect. Take a look to the fla I attached. Thanks.
  7. Hello, is there a way to make a slow-motion animation with no pause between one tween and the next one ? In other words: if I have an animation 10 seconds long, how I should to go fast for 4 secs, slow for 2, and fast again for the last 4 seconds with no pause between each tween ? Thanks in advance.
  8. Albo


    Ha! It works great now... I didn't activate the plugin... Thanks!
  9. Albo


    Hi, trying to use the phisics2D example on my Flash CS4 IDE I have these errors: Should you tell me where is the problem ? Thanks
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