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Posts posted by creativetags

  1. No, the inline style doesn't appear to be updating. I'm not using a framework like React or Angular, just jQuery.


    I tried logging the variable I pass to TweenLite and Chrome seems to verify that it is the DOM element I'm trying to change.


    var btn = $(this);
    TweenLite.to(btn, 1, { color: "transparent" });


  2. Thanks guys,


    I've switched to using the ruby gem https://github.com/robertpataki/greensock-rails and now have all scripts at version 1.20.3


    I know from console logging that the button click is firing and I just tried adding console.log(TweenLite) which gave me this:


    (target, duration, vars) {
    				Animation.call(this, duration, vars);
    				this.render = TweenLite.prototype.render; //speed optimization (avoid prototype lookup on this "hot" method)
    				if (target =…


    I also tried changing the animation duration to 1 second. 


    I've copied and pasted from codepen so no typo issues.


    There are no !important styles to override color.


    Pause on exception didn't catch any errors.


    It's a frustrating one alright



  3. I used codepen.io to write a quick animation and am now trying to integrate it into my rails application. I've required TweenLite.min.js CSSPlugin.min.js and TimelineLite.min.js and reduced my animation to a simple test but nothing happens and I get no errors. How do I troubleshoot this?


    Here's my test: 

    $('.btn').on('click', function() {
      var btn = $(this);
      TweenLite.to(btn, 0.1, { color: "transparent" });


    I'm using jQuery 1.12.4 (tested working in codepen).

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