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Everything posted by creativetags

  1. Thanks guys, I've decided to abandon it for the moment as I've lost too much time trying to get it to work.
  2. No, the inline style doesn't appear to be updating. I'm not using a framework like React or Angular, just jQuery. I tried logging the variable I pass to TweenLite and Chrome seems to verify that it is the DOM element I'm trying to change. var btn = $(this); console.log(btn); TweenLite.to(btn, 1, { color: "transparent" });
  3. Thanks guys, I've switched to using the ruby gem https://github.com/robertpataki/greensock-rails and now have all scripts at version 1.20.3 I know from console logging that the button click is firing and I just tried adding console.log(TweenLite) which gave me this: (target, duration, vars) { Animation.call(this, duration, vars); this.render = TweenLite.prototype.render; //speed optimization (avoid prototype lookup on this "hot" method) if (target =… I also tried changing the animation duration to 1 second. I've copied and pasted from codepen so no typo issues. There are no !important styles to override color. Pause on exception didn't catch any errors. It's a frustrating one alright Mark
  4. Ok, but it does work in codepen so there's kinda no point testing it there. Here's a slightly different version: not using scripts with latest in them. Using 1.20.3 of TweenLite transparent wasn't an issue with codepen and Chrome. Perhaps it is with other browsers?
  5. I used codepen.io to write a quick animation and am now trying to integrate it into my rails application. I've required TweenLite.min.js CSSPlugin.min.js and TimelineLite.min.js and reduced my animation to a simple test but nothing happens and I get no errors. How do I troubleshoot this? Here's my test: $('.btn').on('click', function() { var btn = $(this); TweenLite.to(btn, 0.1, { color: "transparent" }); }); I'm using jQuery 1.12.4 (tested working in codepen).
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