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Everything posted by harp

  1. Hello, I'm trying to get each string character to come up and fade-in. The fade-in is working fine but the coming up doesn't work, here is my full code: import $ from 'jquery'; import gsap from 'greensock'; /* * * OBJECTIVE: Turn string into separate chars. * After doing so animate each char in one by one. * * Tasks: generateChars * 1. turn given string into separate chars, loop through array: place each char into its own span, * give it a class of 'char-1 char-2 and etc, and then place into #company-name * * Tasks: animateChars * 1. used returned value - chars from generateChars(), create tl object, set up chars - y: -10%, * opacity: 0, autoAlpha: 0 * 2. animate each char with staggerTo method, bring the each char up(y:0) and fade-in by .5s and .2s apart * * * */ class LetterAnimations{ constructor(string){ this.animateChars('battle of the suits'); } generateChars(string){ let convertedToChars = string.split(''), companyName = document.querySelector('#company-name'), char, chars = []; for(let i = 0; i < convertedToChars.length; i++){ char = document.createElement('span'); char.innerText = convertedToChars[i]; char.classList.add('char-heading-primary'); chars.push(char); companyName.append(char); } return chars; } animateChars(string){ let chars = this.generateChars(string), tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.set(chars, {opacity: 0, autoAlpha: 0, y: -100}); tl.staggerTo(chars, 2, {opacity: 1, autoAlpha: 1, y: 0, ease: Power4.easeInOut}, '.1') } }; // export default LetterAnimations; new LetterAnimations('battle of the suits'); opacity 0 and autoAlpha do their job but y: -100 doesn't move a muscle.. Does the parent need to be position relative and the char(childern) need to be position absolute for this to work? Thank you.
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