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Alex Salicki

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  1. Thank you very much for your help ! I have a last question because I'm a Beginner. I have already make my portfolio on Single Page Application with NodeJs and ExpressJS. So I would like to use Vue JS as you say to me to have transitions and animations between pages and I would like to know if it's possible to use script VueJS in my .ejs templates. It's possible ? What do you recommend to me ?
  2. Hi everyone , I would like to have animations on my elements like this website : http://www.thieb.co/works when you click on his work and when you come back to homepage. I try with the function “ reverse “ to reverse my animations when i click to see my projects but it doesn’t work and I don’t understand why. Can you help me ? How do you think to do that ? Best Regards, Alex Salicki
  3. Very thank you very much for your help! I looked at the API and it is has little hard to understand for bit me... I am going to forget it at the moment... But I would like when I click we have button in my which returns page me in to my homepage, that my animations are made in reverse when I leave my page! This is my code but no animations are made … It works perfectly when I use .mouseover (when I overfly my the button) but when I click on the button to reach my homepage, any animations are made in reverse… Do you think able to help me on this problem? Miss it things in my code?
  4. Hi Yes, if i leave the page it be replaced by the new page but i would like animations on my element when i leave the page to go back to the homepage for example. This is a perfect example that i would like to have on my website when i go back to a page :http://fantasy.co/work/tinder-for-travel
  5. Hello everyone I'm a beginner of JS and GSAP animations and i would like to reverse all animations with tl.reverse() when i leave my page , when i come back to home page for example. This is my code but it work just when i click to a button of my page... Can you help me ?
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