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  1. I can not access the docs, the ease visualizer is missing and the forum is coming to a crawl. Is it just me?
  2. Ah!! I was putting together two example FLA to post when i stumbled upon the difference. The error was in my CSSLoader. I didn't realize your CSSLoader also parses it for you. So when using LoaderMax it was not necessary for me to do: var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); css.parseCSS(loader.getContent("myCSS")); textField.styleSheet = css; All I had to do was: textField.stylesheet = loader.getContent("myCSS"); Thank you for all your help!! ~mark
  3. Hi, I am moving over from using BulkLoader to LoaderMax for loading external font swf. The font swf would have this code that would generate the swf with the font embedded in it. [Embed(source="font.otf", fontName="font", mimeType="application/x-font")] var font:Class; Font.registerFont(font); Using BulkLoader, this is all I did and the fonts would display correctly var loader:BulkLoader = new BulkLoader("main-site"); loader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, onComplete); loader.add("font.swf"); loader.start(); Using LoaderMax the loaded font is not displaying: loader = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onComplete:completeHander,}); loader.append(new SWFLoader("font.swf")); loader.load(); Thank you, ~mark
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