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Tim Rijkse

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  1. @OSUblake I finally found out what went wrong! When cloning the repository all files are located in the `src` folder. However, in the npm package all js files are stored in the root folder. Moving the files from `src` to `root` fixed the issue! Thanks for helping out
  2. Let me set up a github repository with the same settings I have now maybe it helps...
  3. Hmmm strange, this is giving me the same error except it's not 'gsap' not found but 'gsap-test' not found. Am I loading my package wrong maybe?
  4. @OSUblake Thanks for the quick response! Yes, the package name is "gsap". The bottom of my Draggable file looks like your first snippet, so the path is set to: ../TweenLite.js I tried to clear the cache and reinstall the package but unfortunately without any luck.
  5. @OSUblake In my opinion this is the best solution however when I fork the GSAP repository and try to use my own private repository (Bitbucket) I get the following error: "These dependencies were not found: gsap". Any idea how this can happen? The 2 repositories are exactly the same :\ This is how I'm loading GSAP in my package.json: "gsap": "git+ssh://[email protected]/{my-company}/gsap.git", I can see the gsap folder is present in my node_modules folder after installing, this makes it so strange.. I have no clue Any help is appreciated!
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