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Everything posted by MultipleParadox

  1. Hi, I've been looking for this for hours and I'm starting it's not even possible to do. Is there any ways so we can declare different TweenMax Objects, without having them to start tweening anything, and then use them anytime we like? I'm not looking for a mere "pause it after creation" solution, although it could be a workaround. What I'm aiming for exactly is something like this: documentClass: constructor() { var mainTimeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite(); var anim1:TimelineLite = setupAnim1(); var anim2:TimelineLite = setupAnim2(); //Have some listener then have " mainTimeline.play(); " } function setupAnim1():TimelineLite { var tm1:TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc, 1, {startAt:{y: -20}}); var tm2:TweenMax = new TweenMax(mc, 1, {startAt:{alpha:0 }); // startAt to simulate "TweenMax.from" var tlm= new TimelineLite(); tlm.append(tm1); tlm.append(tm2); return tlm; } function setupAnim2():TimelineLite { // similar to setupAnim1() } ___ I don't want ANYTHING to happen until I call the play() method of the timelineLite object. Is that even possible or am I missing something big here? Apparently the startAt property will have the object's said property take that value at the moment the TweenMax object is declared. I trie playing with "immediateRender" and such but it did no good Any help would be appreciated thank you O.
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