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Everything posted by Hulio

  1. So true, I didn't even think about that. Thanks mate!
  2. Allright, here's the code package { import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.easing.Quad; import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent; import com.greensock.loading.ImageLoader; import com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax; import com.greensock.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import flash.display.BlendMode; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.AntiAliasType; import flash.text.Font; import flash.text.StyleSheet; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize; TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin]); LoaderMax.activate([imageLoader]); public dynamic class Main extends Sprite { // DEFINE THE VARIABLES // LOADER CONTENT private var preloader : LoaderMax; // STAGE ELEMENTS private var font_times : Font = new Times(); private var format_preloader : StyleSheet; private var mc_preloader : Sprite; private var preloader_indicator : Sprite; private var preloader_txt : TextField; private var container : Sprite; public function Main() { // DEFINE THE TEXT FORMATS format_preloader = new StyleSheet(); format_preloader.setStyle("p", {fontFamily : font_times.fontName, fontSize : 12, color : "#FFFFFF"}); // DEFINE THE PRELOADER CONTENT mc_preloader = new Sprite(); mc_preloader.graphics.beginFill(0xAAAAAA); mc_preloader.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, 14); mc_preloader.graphics.endFill(); // ADD THE PRELOADER INDICATOR preloader_indicator = new Sprite(); preloader_indicator.graphics.beginFill(0xCCCCCC); preloader_indicator.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, 14); preloader_indicator.graphics.endFill(); mc_preloader.addChild(preloader_indicator); // ADD THE PRELOADER TEXT preloader_txt = create_textfield(mc_preloader, null, null, format_preloader, false, false, 100, "center", 1); // DEFINE THE PRELOADER DATA preloader = new LoaderMax({name: "preloader_data", autoDispose: true, onOpen: preload_open, onProgress: preload_progress, onComplete: preload_complete, onError: preload_error}); preloader.append( new ImageLoader("images/photo_1.jpg", {name: "photo_1", estimatedBytes: 500}) ); preloader.append( new ImageLoader("images/photo_2.jpg", {name: "photo_2", estimatedBytes: 100}) ); preloader.append( new ImageLoader("images/photo_3.jpg", {name: "photo_3", estimatedBytes: 500}) ); preloader.load(); // CREATE A PRELOADING OPEN FUNCTION function preload_open(event : LoaderEvent) : void { // ADD THE PRELOADER TO STAGE addChild(mc_preloader); mc_preloader.y = stage.stageHeight / 2; preloader_indicator.width = 0; } // CREATE A PRELOADING FUNCTION function preload_progress(event : LoaderEvent) : void { preloader_indicator.width = preloader.progress * stage.stageWidth; preloader_txt.htmlText = ' ' + Math.round(preloader.progress * 100) + ' %'; preloader_txt.x = stage.stageWidth / 2; } // CREATE A PRELOADING ERROR FUNCTION function preload_error(event : LoaderEvent) : void { trace("Error: " + event.target + ": " + event.text); } // CREATE A PRELOADING COMPLETE FUNCTION function preload_complete(event : LoaderEvent) : void { TweenMax.to(mc_preloader, 0.5, {autoAlpha: 0, ease: Quad.easeOut}); container = new Sprite(); addChild(container); container.addChild(preloader.getContent("photo_1").rawContent); container.addChild(preloader.getContent("photo_2").rawContent); container.addChild(preloader.getContent("photo_3").rawContent); container.alpha = 0; TweenMax.to(container, 0.5, {alpha: 1, ease: Quad.easeOut, delay: 0.5}); } } protected function create_textfield(_container : Sprite, _name : String, _html : String, _style : StyleSheet, _multiline : Boolean, _wordwrap : Boolean, _width : Number, _align : String, _alpha : Number) : TextField { var _textfield : TextField = new TextField(); if (_name) _textfield.name = _name; if (_style) _textfield.styleSheet = _style; if (_width) _textfield.width = _width; _textfield.embedFonts = true; _textfield.multiline = _multiline; _textfield.wordWrap = _wordwrap; _textfield.selectable = false; _textfield.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER; _textfield.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; var set_align : String = ''; if (_align == 'left') set_align = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; if (_align == 'center') set_align = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; if (_align == 'right') set_align = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT; _textfield.autoSize = set_align; _textfield.alpha = _alpha; if (_html) _textfield.htmlText = _html; if (_container) { _container.addChild(_textfield); } else { var _sprite : Sprite = new Sprite(); addChild(_sprite); _sprite.addChild(_textfield); } return _textfield; } } } Thanks for your reply!
  3. Why is this happening? The value is 0, not 1, when it is fully loaded. /** A value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall progress of the loader. When nothing has loaded, it will be 0; when it is halfway loaded, progress will be 0.5, and when it is fully loaded it will be 1. **/ public function get progress():Number { return (this.bytesTotal != 0) ? _cachedBytesLoaded / _cachedBytesTotal : (_status == LoaderStatus.COMPLETED) ? 1 : 0; }
  4. Oh my, this get too heavy for me sometimes...so many things to understand. Thanks so much once again, you're the best!
  5. Nested or not, it loops only number zero, so I can't get the count increase. I'm sure it has something to do with the instance "this", I don't know where it is referring to. Everything is okay if I put this to the timeline on the same frame, but in the class it doesn't work...
  6. Ok, now I'm having another problem here. I tried to convert this case to as3, but... (THE VARIABLES AT THE TOP OF THE DOCUMENT) private var mc_counter : Sprite; private var counter_txt : TextField; private var count : Number = 0; (AND THE FUNCTION AFTER LOADING PROCESS) function preload_complete(event : LoaderEvent) : void { mc_counter = new Sprite(); addChild(mc_counter); counter_txt = create_textfield(mc_counter, null, null, format_basic, false, false, 150, "center", 1); var current_sum : Number = 1000.20; TweenLite.to(this, 10, {count: current_sum, ease: Expo.easeOut, onUpdate: update_counter}); function update_counter() : void { counter_txt.htmlText = ' ' + count + ' \u20AC'; } } ...the counter doesn't do anything and I can't find out what's the problem. Thanks again! Where is "this" referring to? What should I use instead of it?
  7. Oh, I got it! You're absolutely right..
  8. Oh jeeeah, of course. Thanks man! Are u talking about this format_decimals -function there btw? If so, sorry for that, my mistake!
  9. What am I doin' wrong here? Anyone please? The tween stops working inside this init-function..? What should I use as a target? function init() { var current_sum : Number = 120.20; var count : Number = 0.00; TweenLite.to(this, 10, {count: current_sum, ease: Expo.easeOut, onUpdate: function () { txt_counter.text = format_decimals(count, 2) + ' \u20AC'; }}); }
  10. Ok, here we go, thank you so much...tough I'm pretty sure I trie this
  11. Ok, it's monday and I think I should know this better, but I just can't. How do I loop all the ImageLoaders at once under the LoaderMax -node in XML? Somehow I just can't get the lenght fetched no matter what I do... Here's what I'm trying to do: var xml_preload_images = preloader.getContent("general_images"); for (var i : int = 0; i <= xml_preload_images.lenght; i++) {... Thnks!
  12. Ok, seems like drop shadow -filter makes the problem. Anyone having the same kind of issues with the filters?
  13. I'm fighting with this issue to get a stack of pngs to scale from A to B. The tween gets very very heavy and it ain't smooth at all. The images aren't more than 40 kbs and there's 8 of them. No matter how I try to scale them by tweening them all together or separated, it's the same thing. What I'm I doing wrong here?
  14. Yea, seems like it's an IDE issue after all. Thanks for your reply anyway!
  15. Hi, I'm currently fighting with this issue via XML ImageLoader. It throws this only when trying to replay the movie: Loading error on ImageLoader 'image_1' (images/image_1.gif): Error #2036: Load Never Completed. URL: file:///Mac.../images/image_1.gif Here's the code I'm using: LoaderMax.activate([imageLoader]); xml_loader = new XMLLoader(root_url + "data.xml", {name: "xml_loader_data", requireWithRoot: this.root, estimatedBytes: 500}); css_loader = new CSSLoader(root_url + "styles.css", {name:"css_loader_data", requireWithRoot: this.root, estimatedBytes: 500}); preloader = new LoaderMax({name: "preloader_data", onProgress: preload_progress, onComplete: preload_complete, onError: preload_error}); preloader.append(xml_loader); preloader.append(css_loader); preloader.load(); And the XML looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Thanks for your help!
  16. Hi and thanks so much for the great job! I was just wondering if there's a little bug in ur "progress handlers", cuz when I'm using my own preloader ( with a percentage text ), it always "flashes" a full (completed) percent before the progress event even gets started. Is this a bug, or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks!
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