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Everything posted by Johny13

  1. It is, it just needed to by inside quotation mark. Thanks for your help.
  2. For some reason here is working and in my project it wont..
  3. It won't work: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'scrollTo' on 'Window': parameter 1 ('options') is not an object.
  4. Hi guys, i have a problem when using scrollTop on ios phones that cant recognize. Is there a way to fix it? This is my code: TweenMax.set('.trail-wrapper', { alpha: 0 }) TweenMax.set('.cloud', { alpha: 0 }) var tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }); tl.to('.trail-wrapper', 0.5, { alpha: 1 }) .to('.cloud', 0.5, { alpha: 1 }) .to('.rocket-wrapper', 1.5, { y: -400, ease: Expo.easeIn }) .to('.cloud', 2.5, { attr: { cy: 185 }, ease: Expo.easeIn }, "-=3") .set('.cloud', { clearProps: "all" }) .set('.rocket-wrapper', { y: 0 }) .to('body', 1, { scrollTop: 0, autoKill:false }) .to('.rocket-wrapper', 4, { y: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(0.5, 0.4) }) .to('.trail-wrapper', 2.5, { scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0, alpha: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut }, "-=2.0") $('.toTop').on('click', function () { tl.play(0) });
  5. Hello guys, this is my codepen and i would like to animate that finger so it looks like it touches screen. Any idea how to do that?
  6. thanks dude, that's it will do that, and thank's for this fast answer.
  7. Hi guys, i'm new to GSAP and i'm loving it, it's great. I want to animate rocket to ScrollTop on click and i've managed to do that but if i have more clicks it wont show (trail and smoke), only animates rocket and scroll. I tried with clearProps but no luck. Any ideas? This is my click code. TweenMax.set('.trail-wrapper', {alpha:0}) TweenMax.set('.cloud', {alpha:0}) var tl = new TimelineMax(); $('.toTop').on('click', function () { tl.to('.trail-wrapper',1 , { alpha:1 }) .to('.cloud', 1, { alpha: 1 }) .to('.rocket-wrapper', 3, { y: -400, ease: Expo.easeIn }) .to('.cloud', 3, { attr: { cy: 185 }, ease: Expo.easeIn }, "-=3") .set('.cloud', { clearProps: "all" }) .set('.rocket-wrapper', { y: 450 }) .to('html' , 1, { scrollTop:0 }) .to('.rocket-wrapper', 4, { y: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(0.5, 0.4) }) .to('.trail-wrapper', 2.5, { scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0, alpha: 0, ease: Expo.easeOut }, "-=2.0") });
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