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  1. hehehe something weard happen here... it is really doing what i want but randomly every time I see the project... so it is loading images in an specific order but doing the autoAlpha:0 in a random order, i mean it loads from 10 to 1 (FONDO10, FONDO9, 8,7...1), and 1 is in the top of the index, so... it must do that autoAlpha:0, from FONDO1 to 10... in some cases it works ok for 3images, other for 2, others it appears to be so dalayed, but i think that it is making autoAlpha:0 to images located under another images that are still in autoAlpha:1... :s Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. close, but all array images disappear at the same time... i will learn loaderMax, i'm pretty sure that i will get better performance and possibilities with it... right now i will do this in the long way... i already start with the video tutorials of loaderMax, looks amazing, THANKS A LOT! Jean Ramirez
  3. uhmmm i understand... i'm trying just to make a slideshow of images, i have another application using the same code but uses listeners and mouse events and it works perfect using e.target and a conditional with the name... i will try with loaderMax... i'll see the tutorials because i don't know how to use it, i have to learn. Thanks a lot!
  4. hi, I'm trying to tween an array of images that i'm loading from an external folder, but i can't get the images names, here is my code if you can help me... if i load image by image with a loader and a child to each one it works... but results lot of code and i'm trying to find a way to avoid that extra large code. var contFondos : Sprite = new Sprite(); addChild(contFondos); setChildIndex(contFondos, parent.numChildren +2); //with this i'm getting the images// var urls:Array=new Array("imagenes/FONDO10.jpg","imagenes/FONDO9.jpg", "imagenes/FONDO8.jpg","imagenes/FONDO7.jpg", "imagenes/FONDO6.jpg","imagenes/FONDO5.jpg", "imagenes/FONDO4.jpg","imagenes/FONDO3.jpg", "imagenes/FONDO2.jpg","imagenes/FONDO1.jpg"); // loading// for( var i = 0; i< urls.length; i++ ){ var img = new Loader(); img.load(new URLRequest( urls[i] )); contFondos.addChild(img); img.name = "unique" + (i + 1); } // then trying to tween but it doesn't work img.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,beginRotation); function beginRotation(e:Event):void{ var rotaFondo : TimelineMax = new TimelineMax ({paused:false,repeat:-1,yoyo:false}); rotaFondo.append(TweenMax.to(unique1, 3, {autoAlpha:0}),3); } //ctrl + enter and this error 1009 (i will hate that forever) Thanks!!!
  5. Ok Carl Thanks! now i understand the reason... i'll use another ease, or i will make a custom one, Bounce and Elastic are too much movement for my application concept... thanks for your reply! Your tutorials are super usefull, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Jean
  6. Hi, i'm trying to Tween a TimelineLite, like Carl Schooff shows in his tutorial in snorkl.tv, it works perfect with all ease but one, the Back.easeOut / In, here is my script if someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong... var lateTl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite ({paused:true}); lateTl.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allFrom(lateArray,3,{x:-600},.3)); var bounceOut:TweenLite = TweenLite.to(lateTl,5,{currentProgress:1, ease:Back.easeOut}); //if i put Bounce, Elastic, or another ease it works, with Back nothing happens, it just go to currentProgress:1, like lateTl.play(); can do.
  7. wow carl... the last one is definetly THE ONE... thank's!!!!!!
  8. thnks a lot for your help, i tried but it trace all numbers from 0 zero to 22... but later someone helped me and found this solution... var tipoPaint:int; var tipoArray:Array = []; for (var i:int; i < 23; i++) { var tipo:Sprite = contenido["tipo" + (i + 1)]; tipo.buttonMode = true; tipo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, tipo_onOver); tipo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, tipo_onOut); tipo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tipo_onClick); tipoArray[i] = tipo; } function tipo_onOver(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:0x66CC00}); } function tipo_onOut(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:null}); } function tipo_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void { var tipo:DisplayObject = event.currentTarget as DisplayObject; TweenLite.to(contenido.indi, .5, {y:tipo.y}); tipoPaint = tipoArray.indexOf(tipo); trace(tipoPaint); } Thank's Carl Schooff your help were really usefull, now i'm a huge fan of snorkl.tv
  9. i did not explain myself right... my native language is spanish, sorry... i'm making an application that calculates data depending on the vars, so... with this, but when i tried to add the var to make my calculations, i couldn't make it... contenido.buttonMode = true; contenido.useHandCursor = true; contenido.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navOver); contenido.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, navOut) function navOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ TweenMax.to(e.target, .3, {tint:0x66CC00}); } function navOut(e:MouseEvent):void{ TweenMax.to(e.target, .3, {tint:null}); } i tryied to look for a var using an Array var tipoPaint = 0; //add this var to use it in a conditional calculation, it is different for each of the 23 options... var tipoArray:Array = [contenido.tipo1, contenido.tipo2, contenido.tipo3, contenido.tipo4, contenido.tipo5, contenido.tipo6, contenido.tipo7, contenido.tipo8, contenido.tipo9, contenido.tipo10, contenido.tipo11, contenido.tipo12, contenido.tipo13, contenido.tipo14, contenido.tipo15, contenido.tipo16, contenido.tipo17, contenido.tipo18, contenido.tipo19, contenido.tipo20, contenido.tipo21, contenido.tipo22, contenido.tipo23]; for(var i:int = 0; i < tipoArray.length; i++) { tipoArray[i].buttonMode = true; tipoArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, tipo_onOver); tipoArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, tipo_onOut); tipoArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tipo_onClick); } function tipo_onOver(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:0x66CC00}); } function tipo_onOut(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:null}); } function tipo_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(contenido.indi, .5, {y:event.currentTarget.y}); tipoPaint = [i]// here is the error, how can i get the number between 1 and 23 not just 23... trace(tipoPaint); } But doesn't work, lot of script and... the result is always 23... if you know the solution, i'll be greatfull... i mean i am already greatfull, your examples and tutorials are definetly between "my prayers", i'll be super greatfull... thanks...
  10. by the way, the last example that you posted is kind of impressive! haw is that possible... i love as3...
  11. Excellent... i have one question... if i need a var depending on the number of the clip that is roll over o clicked anything... how can i trace that? is that possible??
  12. wow!!! that is so impressive!!! well not the same that i was looking for right now, cause i was trying to do a simpliest thing, just a roll over without tweening any other button... BUT... this is really cool, off course i was wandering if something like that was possible... and now i see that nothing is impossible... thanks a lot for this i'll use it right now...
  13. Recently i was doing a menu, a big one, lots of buttons... then i wanted to apply the same rollover to all my buttons, but couldn't find the way to do this without doing a listener and a function button by button... then i found this solution to do this and i want to share it... let's have less script... var clipArray:Array = [menuPintu.m1, menuPintu.m2, menuPintu.m3, menuPintu.m4, menuPintu.m5, menuPintu.m6, menuPintu.m7, menuPintu.m8, menuPintu.m9, menuShop.m1, menuShop.m2, menuShop.m3, menuShop.m4, menuShop.m9]; for(var i:int = 0; i < clipArray.length; i++) { clipArray[i].buttonMode = true; clipArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, item_onOver); clipArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, item_onOut); } function item_onOver(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:0x66CC00}); } function item_onOut(event:MouseEvent):void { TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget, .5, {tint:null}); } i hope that you find this usefull...
  14. hi, i need to export my file into a video, *.avi, *.mpg... but i don't know how... i'm using tweenLite (AS2)... a friend told me that i can't do it if i don't made this using time line... but i hope that it is possible to export a video using tweenLite. thanks
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