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Everything posted by iugo

  1. Is it possible to do a drag and drop using this JS? If it is possible, is there an example I can follow? Thanks in advance.. disclaimer: a newbie with JS.
  2. Brilliant! thank you! thank you! thank you!
  3. Hi greensock. thanks for the reply! First set of tween: there are a total of 13 images in thumbloader. each image takes 1.12sec to perform the tween. Hence the reason why I offset it by -1 sec so that each will start to tween 0.12 right after the one before it starts. Im not sure if im doing it the right way. Hope the explanation is clear. 2nd set of tween Yes, the 2nd tween is running, but I would like it to start tweening only after the first set of tween (all 13 images) have stop. Im sorry if it all sound too confusing and f the code is messy... Im still trying and learning...
  4. Hi, the full code is attached. Basically, what im trying to achieve is - after this tween is complete timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 1.12, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 10) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 10) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:0.5, scaleX:0.5, ease:Quad.easeOut}), -1); run this timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 0.5, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 10) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 10) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Quad.easeOut}), 0.6); or something similar. Snippets of the function: var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); private function callThumbs():void { for (var i:Number = 0; i var thumbURL = images[i].@THUMB; var thumbLoader = new Loader(); thumbLoader.load(new URLRequest(thumbURL)); thumbLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, thumbLoaded); thumbLoader.x = 300; thumbLoader.y = 700; thumbLoader.alpha = 0.5; timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 1.12, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 10) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 10) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:0.5, scaleX:0.5, ease:Quad.easeOut}), -1); // Im trying to make the tween below to start only when the tween above (code above) completes timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 0.5, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 10) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 10) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Quad.easeOut}), 0.6); timeline.play(); if (xCounter+1 <= columns) { xCounter++; } else { xCounter = 0; yCounter++; } } } Apologies... Im still a noob at this.
  5. Im trying to tween a set of thumbnails twice... the first tween works just fine (thumbLoader loads 9 different thumbnails) First tween works fine: timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 1.12, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 5) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 5) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:0.5, scaleX:0.5, ease:Quad.easeOut}), -1); Once the tween ends, I would like all the thumbnails to do another tween, however, it just doesnt seems to be working: 2nd tween not working: timeline.append(TweenMax.to(thumbLoader, 0.5, {bezier:[{x:10, y:361}, {x:(thumbWidth + 10) * xCounter, y:(thumbHeight + 10) * yCounter, alpha:1}], scaleY:1, scaleX:1, ease:Quad.easeOut}), 2); What am I doing wrong here?
  6. Ok, I've watched the video and tried. but just couldnt get it. Do I need papervison or away 3D to achieve the perspective part it?
  7. Hi, does anybody know how can I achieve this tween: http://waterlife.nfb.ca/ (once you click Enter, the thumbnails will tween together and form a shape.) Thank you in advance!
  8. Hi, Im quite new as. but i have successfully follow the script above. the problem i have now is that all the MCs goes to the same position. How can I arrange them side by side with space in between? my code as below: var boxes:Array=new Array(mc1, mc2, mc3); for (var i:int = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) { TweenLite.to(boxes[i], 1, {y:100, x:100, ease:Circ.easeOut, delay:1}); }
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