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Doug Coburn

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  1. That seems to work great! Thanks! -- I've updated the referenced CodePen accordingly.
  2. We are animating charts with TweenMax (for example, every bar of a bar chart animates to the new position). There are a few cases where the animations get in the way like testing and taking screenshots. We have to add sleeps to the selenium driver code for the animation to have time to complete. We can tell when the page is done rendering but it's harder to tell when all animations have completed. Also it would be nice to speed up the process when the animations are not necessary. I could wrap all of the calls to TweenMax and implement the configuration myself, but there are hundreds of them and I was hoping there was a an easier solution.
  3. Is there a way to configure GreenSock to immediately jump to the complete state for all current and future animations (i.e. future TweenMax.fromTo(...) calls).
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