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Everything posted by MGiv64

  1. Hello Greensock, Thank you very much for your support ! you were totally right concerning the "OverwriteManager.init(2);". Hope this post could also help other users with the same issue. Thanks you again for your great product, MGiV64
  2. Hello everyone, I've been playing with flash for a few years but never heard about Tweening classes since last week. I've first use "Tweener" and it works like a charm with my short animation. Then I discovered TweenMax and have a look to the speedcomparaison and decided to port my animation from "Tweener" to "TweenMax". The code was allmost the same so it was easy to make the transition. My problem is that with Tweenmax I have many error messages : - The class or interface 'BitmapFilter' could not be loaded. - Function name expected - ActionScript 2.0 class scripts may only define class or interface constructs. - Expected a field name after '.' operator. When I search and replace all the "TweenMax.to" to "TweenLite.to" I have no error, but some tweens don't work... (maybe 50% works). When I search and replace all the "TweenLite.to" to "TweenNano.to" all work perfectly... Could you explain that ? lol Thanks for your help, MGiV64 (Belgium, sorry for my english) PS : I have to work with FLASH PLAYER 7 and Action script 2.0.
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