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Posts posted by usr1931990

  1. const marquee = {
      $track: $("[data-places-track]"),
      tl: gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1, yoyo: true, paused: true }),
      init: (app) => {
      initAnimation: (app) => {
        const $trackWidth = marquee.$track.outerWidth();
        marquee.tl.to(marquee.$track, {
          x: -($trackWidth - app.windowWidth),
          duration: 185,
          force3D: true,
          ease: "linear",
      killAnimation: (app) => {

    I have a timeline I'm trying to kill and reinit on resize. Because I need the updated width of the container I'm animating on the x-axis. Percentages doesn't work here. The killAnimation() function is being run on window.resize. The animation stops but it wont start again when I'm running initAnimation() again after the kill. What am I doing wrong here?

  2. Hi everyone! I'm working on a page where a want an animation to happen when the user navigates to a certain page on my website, but kill it on other pages. I'm running this code when the user navigates to the site where I want the animation to happen:


      logoAnimation: (app) => {
        app.logo.hasBeenAnimated = true;
        const paths = document.querySelectorAll("#logo .path");
        paths.forEach((path, i) => {
          const index = i / (paths.length - 1);
          gsap.to(path, {
            scrollTrigger: {
              id: "logoPaths",
              trigger: "body",
              scrub: 7,
              start: `${index * 10}% top`,
              end: `${index * 60 + 60}% bottom`,
            rotate: gsap.utils.random(-25, 25),
            opacity: 7,
            ease: "circ.out",

    and this code when a user navigates to another page:

        if (app.logo.hasBeenAnimated) {
          let pathsTrigger = ScrollTrigger.getById("logoPaths");

    And that's not working. The only thing that works is to kill all ScrollTrigger animations, but I just want to destroy this one. How can I do that?

  3. Hi everyone!


    So I'm working with batch in my scrolltrigger animation, and it works fine, but i want the animation duration to be based on the scrub, NOT a normal duration, how can i do that? This is my code:

    gsap.set(processItems, { filter: "blur(20px)" });
    ScrollTrigger.batch(processItems, {
      start: app.isDesktop ? "top 60%" : "top 80%",
      end: "bottom 10%",
      scrub: 1.5,
      onEnter: (batch) => {
        //the duration of the animation here should be based on the scroll scrub
        gsap.to(batch, { filter: "blur(0px)" });


  4. @PointC sorry, this is what I'm trying to do!

    I know that I can use a timeline and reverse it, but what if its inside an each function?


          $(app.$item).each(function() {
            gsap.set($(this), {
              opacity: 0,
              scale: 0,
              top: Math.floor(Math.random() * 140) + "%",
              left: Math.floor(Math.random() * 140) + "vw",
            gsap.from($(this), 2, {
              opacity: 0,
              scale: 0,
              top: ????,
              left: ????,
              ease: "cubic.inOut",


  5. How can I animate back to the original values without knowing the value? 

    Lets say my code looks like this:

    gsap.set('div', {
       top: Math.floor(Math.random() * 140) + "%",
       left: Math.floor(Math.random() * 140) + "vw",


    Now in another function I just want to animate this div back to its original value (without knowing the original value) and remove the inline styles when the animation is done. 

  6. Is it possible?

    I have many divs with text that have different width. I want them to move at the same animation speed. This is my code:


        startRolling: function($text, $wrap) {
          let duration = $wrap.width() / 40;
          TweenMax.to($wrap, duration, {
            x: -($text.width()),
            ease: Linear.easeNone,
            repeat: -1


    So this doesn't work, and setting the duration manually to for instance .9 obviously doesn't work.



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