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Posts posted by Axonn

  1. I got a bit code-lazy the other day and didn't want to complicate myself with Timeline or whatever so I just made a three-step animation like this:




    I attached an image above, because it would be rather hard to format it for the browser. The Forum cuts out the image if you have a small resolution so try opening it in a new tab if that is the case.


    I wonder if the code above would have any sort of performance woes.


    Is it a problem that I'm using 3 anonymous functions one in the other? Would I get some sort of garbage collector leaks if I would use that function a lot?


    I confess that I'm not very up to date with how anonymous functions are tracked & garbage collected in Flash. Maybe somebody can put me straight on that ::- ).

  2. Hi green one! ::- ). *laugh*, sorry ::- D. Of course I use TweenLite ::- D. Sorry for "insulting" your library ::- D.


    I am using TweenLite but the event doesn't fire. Or..... maybe it shouldn't fire? Take the following situation for example:


    Start Tween from 0 to 3 with OnComplete = some function.

    When this Tween reaches 1.5, another call comes for the same object, moving it back to 0.


    In this case, OnComplete will only fire once, right? When it reaches back to 0, not when it reaches 3.


    My problem is that I would like OnComplete to fire 2 times, but I know that overwriting will prevent that.


    So you say that if Alpha is 1 and I issue a command to Tween it to 1, you will still fire OnComplete, even if there is no work to be done and the tween dies instantly?

  3. Hi everybody. I got a problem which is killing me and I just wasted 2 days on it. Unfortunately, I tracked it down to Tweener ::- (.


    If I try to Tween from Alpha 0 to Alpha 1 something that is already at Alpha 1, the OnComplete function is not called. The problem is that I got vital code in that function, and because it doesn't get executed, everything blows up.


    Any idea about how to solve this?

  4. I must, again, congratulate you for the way you support this Library. It's Saturday and you already answered my post. Kudos & RespeKt man! I will not forget this. 'nuff said.


    Thank you for your examples. Yes, I am perfectly clear with it now. I did look over the (offline - 5 months old) documentation many times but I apparently missed the plugins stuff. I was only aware of the ability to tween basic properties such as x and y.


    [EDIT]: do you have 5 people answering on the "greensock" account or is it you all the time? *laugh*.


    P.S.: oh and I know tweening filters is bad for performance BTW. But I think it will not be so bad if it's a single filter with NO scaling of the object (width/height/scaleX/scaleY) and it's only a rather simple glow filter over only 3-4 frames.

  5. Hi there ::- D. Long time no posting ::- D. I've been busy with my game development stuff and I am nearing completion with some projects, most importantly a nice UI library. I am using TweenLite & TweenMax as part of my library and I intend to go commercial when it matures enough (after making a few games with it and polishing it nicely).


    So why am I here? I want to use TweenLite to tween a Filter's properties. I knew I could do this with the ancestor of TweenMax, which I gave up using when I found this library. I searched the Forums and the only relevant answer to my "tweening filters" question was an issue I had some time ago ::- D. So I take it that TweenMax can't do it?


    I also remember that TweenMax can't tween a function. No, I really meant what I wrote: I remember Tweener being able to call some "whatever" function at regular time intervals according to the ease parameters you set to it. If TweenMax would be able to do that, it would be ok as I could do my custom filter stuff in that function. But as it stands, I am not sure how to do it. I guess I could animate some dummy property and attach an OnUpdate handler and in the OnUpdate handler do stuff based on the dummy property I am animating? Or you can't tween some made up property on an object?


    A bit confused here. I think it shows *grin*.

  6. *laugh* if you ever see me giving or buying anything from those jerks at Apple, you'll know that I've been brainwashed by aliens (which is the only kind of brainwashing technology which could make me buy their crap).

  7. If I would be rich I'd give you a prize for the most helpful & involved project leader ever ::- D. RespeKt!


    Right now I'm perfectly happy with how the default TweenLite works, no need for OverwriteManager. I already visited the page with the speed bragging rights ::- D *grin*. RespeKt again ;;- ). And I already read all that page (twice actually) about the OverwriteManager ::- D.

  8. I can't possibly put this in a FLA. I'm working at an UI library and the interdependencies are huge. That button involves 10 different classes, all with inheritance and other things around them ::- ). My UI library isn't closed source but it's not really open source yet either ::- ). I am targeting a type of licensing similar to yours, because I happen to believe that you are correct in your strategy. But my stuff is still very young.


    Anyway, the problem was indeed in my code. Here it is:


    On Mouse Out:

            TweenLite.to(_ButtonNeutralState, TWEENER_BUTTON_ANIM_TIME, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 } );
           TweenLite.to(_ButtonNeutralState, TWEENER_BUTTON_ANIM_TIME, { x:0, y:0 } );


    Well, DUUH, of course it works like crap because I am using 2 Tweens to do the stuff that only 1 Tween should do! Tweener didn't argue about this because it didn't have an Overwrite manager. Don't ask me why I separated them in 2 tweens *grin*. For the life of me, I can't remember why.


    Anyway, I changed that to:


    TweenLite.to(_ButtonNeutralState, TWEENER_BUTTON_ANIM_TIME, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, x:0, y:0  } );


    And all works perfectly.


    EXCEPT the shadow filter thing which started this entire thread... that is still screwed even if in the new version...


    Yes, I am sure there is nothing related to ROLL events because I traced the number of times the events occur. They occur only in batches of 1 / button state change, and because the PARENT has mouseChildren = false, there is no risk of getting multiple events from children. ALSO, VERY IMPORTANTLY, I have disabled the shadow and EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT! The stupid shadow messes everything up though............... God dammit......


    I think I'm going to use a transparent clip for hit testing when a shadow is present. I'll make it 1 pixel longer than the shadow and that's that... *pissed off*.

  9. Maybe this is a noob question but here it goes anyway: I got a Panel which I'm tweening to a greater size via modification of the ScaleX and ScaleY properties. I set it to tween to scale 1.3. The Panel's width is 290. Scale 1.3 should take it to 377. However, when I trace the panel's width, at the end of the tween, I get 379.6. I am using BounceEaseOut.

  10. Hey Green One ::- D. Thanks for answering ::- ).


    Why must there always be Flash Player bugs that destroy my life & productivity? ::- (. I wasted 8 hours trying to fix that thinking that it is my fault somewhere.


    I have mousechildren = false, so I don't need to use ROLL_OVER / ROLL_OUT. As for overwriting: initially, I did not have that property. If I remove it, it doesn't work right: www.gamaddiction.com/GAS3Broken.swf (compare that to the normal functionality you see in the previous link - and I only have 2 simultaneous tweens max, I think it's not such an issue?).

  11. Hello ::- ). I got quite a terrible issue on my hands. This was messed up when I used Tweener and it's still messed up in TweenMax.


    So... I got a button which has a Shadow filter on it. The problem is that after the first tween takes place, the Shadow or button somehow get messed up and you can throw the button in an infinite animation loop by gently moving your mouse to the top-right of the button.


    You can reproduce it here:




    If you move your mouse really slowly to the top - right of the button, the first time, it will work. But the second and next times, it may enter an infinite loop due to the fact that the MOUSE OUT event is dispatched because the FILTER acts as a hit-test area and when I switch the "Neutral State" Sprite with the "Over State" Sprite, something gets messed up.


    My question would be... how can I tween the Filter as well? How does the Tween affect the Filter? Does it affect the button start/final size? If so, why? Because I always restore the button to its original scale, like this:


    Mouse Over:

    TweenLite.to(_ButtonOverState, TWEENER_BUTTON_ANIM_TIME, { scaleX: TWEENER_BUTTON_SCALE_X, scaleY: TWEENER_BUTTON_SCALE_Y, overwrite: false } );

    Mouse Out:

    TweenLite.to(_ButtonNeutralState, TWEENER_BUTTON_ANIM_TIME, { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, overwrite: false } );


    Thanks for any clues regarding this issue ::- D.

  12. Hey. I have some performance issues with my AS3 application so I profiled it. I found 156 instances of TweenLite and 336 of PropTween. How can I delete / clear that stuff? I must use "killTweensOf"? No other way? Doesn't it do some of this stuff automatically when a tween is over? ::- )

  13. Hey Green Footy One. I know about the EaseLookup. I wasn't asking about that. I was asking about the OTHER way around: a list of all string constants used for easing. But I think I found them, inside the EaseLookup.as file, right? ::- D.


    One more thing: initially, to me, TweenMax appeared to have less easing possibilities than Tweener. This is why: http://www.gamaddiction.com/TweenerComplete.pdf ... But then I realized you just categorized them better, by separating the easing equation from its method "easeIn", "easeOut". You got it all covered, right?


    Finally: Users must be able to specify via XML or code what kind of animations they want to see when they are using the UI library. Therefore, using EaseLookup is the ONLY way I can maintain full customizeability over my library, right? Besides, it only adds 3 KB to the file size as far as I saw.

  14. Hello everybody ::- D. My first post here, since today I decided to shed the old clothes of Tweener and wear the fresh new apparel: TweenLite & TweenMax ::- D, thanks to some great explanations of the Author himself ::- ).


    I got a few questions regarding easing ::- D. Assume tweenerParams is the wrapper object I used to send { params for tweening }.


    1. tweenerParams.ease = Bounce.easeOut;


    Is there a place where I can find the strings which are used to represent each easing value? I need them for XML configuration. Couldn't find anything in the documentation about it.


    2. Why is there no documentation for the easing functions?


    public static function easeIn(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number Parameters t: Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number


    No explanations whatsoever ::- (.


    3. How come we can write tweenerParams.ease = Bounce.easeOut ??? There is no easeOut constant in the Bounce class, just the function. Maybe I am missing some AS3 quirk here, but I don't understand why that works ::- D. And... if we would write tweenerParams.ease = Bounce.easeOut (1,2,3,4); would it do something? It did compile but didn't do anything ::- D (I mean, instead of bouncing, it just did standard easing).

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