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  1. Hey Carl, thank you very much for your advice!!! In the meantime I watched your tutorial "Bullet-Proof TimelineMax Transitions", and I think I've a deeper insight now how to accomplish animation with TimelineMax. I will try to put the new Input in my animation-project. Maybe I come back later if I am stuck anywhere else. Thanks and kind regards
  2. New Problem now. I added: function gotoLabel(n:int):void { trace("\nGO TO LABEL" + n); timeline.tweenTo(n, {onComplete:resume}); } function resume():void { timeline.resume(); } Now the tweens from one label to another are "skipped". Maybe someone could give me a hint to accomplish the correct tweening.
  3. Ok. Sorry for the post. I read the documentation over and over but I've overseen that the tweenTo pauses the timeline at the reached point. The simple onComplete an resume() did it.
  4. Hey there. I don't get it.... I have a sequenze of some objects including one array with some extra objects in a Timeline. Some how the onCompleteAll event of the array-Tween isn't fired correctly. I want that all items in the array are tweened to the end at a specific Label before the timeline is paused. Where is my mistake/missunderstanding? I created a quick example file to demonstrate my problem. Regards
  5. Ah ok. Sorry I skiped over the "relative".... I think I have to go back to documentation. Thank you very much.
  6. Ok. So attached an example. If you click the buttons left - right - left - right an so on. the path has different speeds....to left and right, but they should always have the same speed. And in my project the speed reaches 0 (most in very short paths) after some switches.... I think I use the duration parameter the wrong way.
  7. Thanks Jack! That was the way I tried it before ... but if i do it like so, the speed is not handled correctly. Everytime the function is triggered the Tween becomes slower and slower. If I just call: myTween.duration = duration; without recreating everything is fine, except the direction thing.... Is it right that I change the speed over the duration parameter? Do I have to "kill" or overwrite something? Thanks in advance
  8. One thing I tried. myTween.reverse(false); myTween.duration = duration; myTween.repeat = -1; the direction changes, but stops after one progress. So the loop is lost.
  9. Hi Jack, hi all. I try tu figure out how to change the direction and speed of a looped LinePath2D Animation on mouseClick. If I understand it right, CirclePath2D has a direction property, but I can't find out to change it eventdriven. Program Snippet: myTween = new TweenMax(path,_timeScale, {repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone, progress:1}); ... mouseEvent -> calls changeSpeedDirection from other class .... public function changeSpeedDirection(duration:Number, newDirection:String):void { if(newDirection == "right") { //change direction Direction.CLOCKWISE } else { //change direction Direction.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE } myTween.restart(false, true); myTween.duration = duration; myTween.repeat = -1; } The speed changes perfectly, but the dirction? Maybe someone could help? best regards
  10. Alright. mmh. I didn't get the message...? But yes this was it. When I reduce the scale properties everything is fine. Thank you very much for your help!
  11. Hi Jack, thanks for the reply. So actually there is nothing in the onFinishTween() method. Ther will be only a dispatchEvent later on... I attache a dummy file which has the same effect in the end, but a bit shorter than in my produktion AS3 Project. Thanks in advance Marcus
  12. Hey there, I am trying to do a logo intro animation. So I wanted to set up a sequence. var stageCenterX:Number = global.stage.x + global.stage.width/2 - container.width; var stageCenterY:Number = global.stage.y + global.stage.height/2 - container.height/2; TweenMax.from(container,3, {blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:20}}); TweenMax.to(container,2, {alpha:1, scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5}); TweenMax.to(container,1, {delay:2.8,x:container.x-100, y:container.y-60, ease:RoughEase.create(7, 150, false, Bounce.easeIn, "out"), motionBlur:{strength:1.5, fastMode:true, padding:15}}); TweenMax.fromTo(container,1, {x:stageCenterX+100, y:stageCenterY+100},{delay:3.9,x:stageCenterX, y:stageCenterY, ease:RoughEase.create(5, 50, false, Bounce.easeOut, "in"), motionBlur:{strength:1.5, fastMode:true, padding:15}}); TweenMax.to(container,2, {delay:5.8,scaleX:20,scaleY:20, blurFilter:{blurX:30, blurY:30}}); TweenMax.to(container,0.5, {delay:7,alpha:0, ease:Cubic.easeOut, onComplete:onFinishTween}); Everything is working fine except the blurFilter at the end. It seems that it is "killed" by scale or alpha property. It starts to blur, but suddenly turns back to the unblured state... Has this something to do with the overwrite thing? Maybe some one got a little hint for me? Thanks in advance!
  13. Sorry, one thing. If I add more Objects after a delay with for (var j:int = 0; j < 20; j++) { path.addFollower(createSquare(10, 0xFF00FF), j / 20, true); } they are placed on the path "onto" the first added Objects. How could I rearrange the spacing of old and new added Objects so that they are then again spaced equally? I couldn't find out. Regards
  14. ok. Thanks for the hints. It was no joke. I just was blind. Found it out now. I am still at the beginning with the GreenSock stuff. So there will be a lot more to explore. Thanks a lot. And I hope others enjoy this new feature as I do.
  15. Hey Jack! This is really awesome!!! I feel "Really Green" now! The adding and removing Points functionality is great! Tweening them too would be a cherry on the cake. And things like dynamicly adding/removing more objects... but I think this goes too far. I played around a bit. And I will do more the next days. When I find some issues, I will post them. So a quick view brought up a noob question. What is the best way to Tween the followers eg. changeColor or scale them? Do something like this? for (var i:int = 0; i < path.followers.length; i++) { TweenMax.to(path.followers[i].target, 3, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:0x00FF00}}); } Finally, I can't tell you how happy I am. Thanks for your great support and this extraordinary sytem! Marcus
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