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Everything posted by jb_sulli

  1. Hi @PointC Thank you for your response! I learned a lot by breaking down what you did there. My project does need the master timeline because I need to be able to scrub back and forth as well as pause easily. Good to know I was on the right track! Thank you for sharing your solution.
  2. Hi, I'm new to GSAP so hopefully there is a way to do this. The Codepen has an example of the desired effect and it works... just wondering if there is an easier way. I have multiple elements, all with the same timeline animation, playing one after another. Is there an easier way to do this? Something like create the timeline without an element and do something like the following: master_timeline.stagger($('.box'), generic_timeline); I know there is staggerTo/staggerFrom functions but that's just for a single tween. Thanks for your help! - Josh
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