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Everything posted by JE.T

  1. Hi carl, here is a part of solution to inverse the skew distortion. for ( var f:int = 0 ; f <= stf_ann.textFields.length-1 ; f++ ){ var myProxy:TweenProxy3D = TweenProxy3D.create(stf_ann.textFields[f]); myProxy.localRegistration = new Vector3D(-stf_ann.textFields[f].x,stf_ann.textFields[f].y+stf_ann.textFields[f].height,0); //Skew value is for the lest side of the virtual camera tl1.append(TweenMax.fromTo(myProxy,0.5,{autoAlpha:0,shortRotation:{rotationX:-90},skewX:-35},{autoAlpha:1, rotationX:0, skewX:0,ease:Linear.easeOut}),-0.45); } THow i think the skew Value should be calculated with some trigo by something like "pseudo : skewValue = ( Math.asin ( - (xDistanceFromMidStage) / CameraDistanceFromStage ) " Thanks for sending me on the right clues. Jerry
  2. Your so right on the spot , there is defenitly a kind of a persepective distortion here, i should a tough of that. Any brain managed to take a work around this ?
  3. Thank you for the Tip, i tried different values , beetween 0.6 and 0.8, it gives almost the effect wanted. Your Tut about the NbC text animation is a more representative result about the dynimic i wanted to use, pretty much the like the letter is raising from a flat position to the front raise position. The transformAroundPoint position seem to givea slight translation that is unWanted, my bet is there is something weird about the difference of height from the letter in the SplitTextFeild object and the original textfeild it Self. Am im imaginating things here ? Il try something with the TweenProxy... Thanks again
  4. Hi , Im trying to tween all letters from a dynamic created textfield from the bottom using 'transformAroundPoint" plugin. Something like this wich is Tweening the letters from the Top a nice classy way tl1.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allFromTo(stf_ann.textFields,1, {autoAlpha:0,rotationX: -90},{autoAlpha:1, rotationX: 0, ease:Back.easeOut},0.1)); But from the bottom of the letters. ( simulating the Register point is Bottom ) So i tried this in a for loop and noticed that both trace() will not give me the same height from the original textField and for the SplitTextField, Also, it seems that the calculated bottom is lower then the real bottom of the letter annonceContainer.txt_annonce.text = _annonce.toUpperCase(); annonceContainer.txt_annonce.embedFonts = true; annonceContainer.txt_annonce.multiline = false; annonceContainer.txt_annonce.setTextFormat(annonceFormat); annonceContainer.txt_annonce.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; trace("txt height: " + annonceContainer.txt_annonce.height); //First Trace var stf_ann:SplitTextField = new SplitTextField(annonceContainer.txt_annonce); for ( var f:int = 0 ; f <= stf_ann.textFields.length-1 ; f++ ){ trace("SplitText height: " + stf_ann.textFields[f].height);//added a trace to notice if something had changed and it Had //Second Trace var myBottom = new Point(stf_ann.textFields[f].width/2,stf_ann.textFields[f].height); //bottom point for transformAroundPlugin tl1.append(TweenMax.fromTo(stf_ann.textFields[f],1,{autoAlpha:0,transformAroundPoint:{point:myBottom,rotationX: -90}},{autoAlpha:1, transformAroundPoint:{point:myBottom,rotationX:0}, ease:Circ.easeIn}),-0.9); } I'm am doing something wrong from the creation of my textfield, or in the "myBottom" calculation ..?. Please bring some green light on this.
  5. Hi, I working on loading a bunch of different images and i want my loader to be in a maximum display size but not to scale up if the image is smaller, So no problem there for scaling down the images with this for exemple : var loader:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader("images/"+_img, {name:"photo"+_img, container:pictureContainer, width:550, height:600, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", centerRegistration:false, onComplete:pastePicture}); //begin loading loader.load(); private function pastePicture(e:LoaderEvent):void { e.target.content.graphics.clear() ; } Could i had something to make sure the images will not be scaled more then there original width or height ? Thank for advices and help, JeT
  6. HI guys, wonder if anyone ever came accross this : TransformMatrix on and Mc cant be applied to it twice in the same appendMultiple. Maybe im using it the wrong way, any idea Why this works : tl.appendMultiple([TweenLite.to(mc[c],2,rotation:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut,delay:0.5}),TweenMax.fromTo(mc[c],1,{autoAlpha:0, transformMatrix:{scaleX:3, scaleY:3},blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:10}},{blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0},autoAlpha:1,transformMatrix:{scaleX:0.4, scaleY:0.4 ,x :150, y:200}, ease:Circ.easeIn})]); And that doesn't tl.appendMultiple([TweenLite.to(mc[c],2,{transformMatrix:{rotation:0}, ease:Elastic.easeOut,delay:0.5}),TweenMax.fromTo(mc[c],1,{autoAlpha:0, transformMatrix:{scaleX:3, scaleY:3},blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:10}},{blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0},autoAlpha:1,transformMatrix:{scaleX:0.4, scaleY:0.4 ,x :150, y:200}, ease:Circ.easeIn})]); { the second tween with Scaling does not work } Thanks for explanations
  7. Finally got it , the timing is perfect now, wow ur class is god ! tx, je
  8. wow , some update on my situation, im getting to it i think, var xDest1:Number = 0-tf.width; var xDest2:Number = 0; var ratio:Number = globalDuration/tf.width; var diff:Number = tf.width -MAXWIDTH; var timing:Number = diff*ratio; var tl2:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({onRepeat:wrapTimeline, repeat:-1}); tl2.insert( TweenMax.fromTo(tf, globalDuration, {x:0}, {x:xDest1, ease:Linear.easeNone}), 0); tl2.insert( TweenMax.fromTo(tfCopie, globalDuration, {x:tf.width}, {x:0, ease:Linear.easeNone}), timing ); addChild( tf ); addChild(tfCopie); Still trying to get closer those 2 baby's tx again
  9. Tx again , those line help me , but i still need to make the last frame be 100% the same of the first frame so no there's noBlank after the second insert. < working on it the logic im working on ( the first tween ending point have to be the second tween strarting point and putting the alpha of the first to 0 when they meet ) and so on tx for ur expertise je
  10. tx for reply, i did try to put together 2 tweens in sequences but the second starts before the 1rst has ended and make disapear the first tween, i want to try to create the effect the first tween tail is pulling the 2nd tween head and so on. var tl2:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({tweens:[TweenMax.fromTo(tf,globalDuration,{x:MAXWIDTH},{x:0-tf.width,ease:Linear.easeNone}),TweenMax.fromTo(tfCopie,globalDuration,{x:tf.width - MAXWIDTH},{x:0-tf.width,ease:Linear.easeNone})],align:TweenAlign.SEQUENCE,onRepeat:wrapTimeline,repeat:-1}); looking at this post right now "Creating a banner advert using the Greensock class" tx again, ill try till it works
  11. Hi, im new to this class and exploring its possibility, i got a textField with html Text inside slidding slowly right from letf i , got it to reapeat ok using : tf.x = MAXWIDTH; tf.y = 5; tf.height = MAXHEIGHT-10; tf.autoSize ="left"; TweenMax.fromTo(tf,globalDuration,{x:MAXWIDTH},{x:0-tf.width,ease:Linear.easeNone,repeat:-1}); addChild( tf ); Quite simple and fun, but im trying to link another tween to it starting at the tail of the frist tf( x:tfposition+spacing ) to make the fealing my first tf is pulling the 2nd in the scene and so on indifinitly. tx for helping je
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