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  1. @ZachSaucier That seems to have been the issue, indeed. Although I ran rm -rf node_modules yarn.lock before installing v3.4.4 a few times, it turned out that I need to run yarn cache clean to properly pick up the latest version. Thank you!
  2. I've been having the same issue with one of my components and was looking forward for the fix. However, with Webpack 4 and latest gsap 3.4.4 release installed, when I set ScrollTrigger.config({ limitCallbacks: true }); it throws a console error: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: gsap_ScrollTrigger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ScrollTrigger.config is not a function This is an overview of my implementation: import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.core.globals("ScrollTrigger", ScrollTrigger); const SITE_HEADER_HEIGHT = document.querySelector(".js-site-header") .offsetHeight; export default class StackRevealer { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {}; this.DOM.el = el; this.DOM.navigation = this.DOM.el.querySelector( ".js-stack-revealer-trigger" ); this.DOM.content = this.DOM.el.querySelector(".js-stack-revealer-content"); this.DOM.headerLinks = Array.from( this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll(".js-stack-revealer-header-link") ); this.DOM.items = Array.from( this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll(".js-stack-revealer-item") ); this.pinLinks(); } pinLinks() { const triggersBottomPosition = this.DOM.navigation.offsetHeight + SITE_HEADER_HEIGHT; ScrollTrigger.config({ limitCallbacks: true }); ScrollTrigger.create({ aniticipatePin: 2, trigger: this.DOM.content, id: "stack-revealer-pinned-links", start: () => "top " + SITE_HEADER_HEIGHT, end: () => "bottom " + triggersBottomPosition, pin: this.DOM.navigation, scrub: true }); } } I have also tried to set ScrollTrigger.config({...}) right after gsap.registerPlugin(...) but with no success...same error. Is this an issue with ScrollTrigger.config() when using Webpack or am I missing something?
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