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  1. Thanks a lot Carl, that's clear now. I should have read the documentation on the .call() method better. Thanks all for your help
  2. Thanks a lot! I will have a little play and I will let you know. I will also try to set up a CodePen
  3. Hello, I am having issues after using the .call() to use a custom function (which play a sound). I always get Cannot tween a null target after in the console log. Can you help me understand why? Thanks // Sounds for the ANIMATIONS are collected in an Object var sounds = { 'creakingWood' : new Audio("../public/assets/sounds/077562105.mp3") }; // Function to play the Sounds function playSound(i) { sounds[i].play(); } // Rotate to the left $( "#caveSign1, #Sign4, #Sign8_1_").hover( function() { signAnimation .call(playSound('creakingWood')) .to($( this ), 1, {rotation: -8, ease: Power1.easeOut, transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); $(this).css('cursor','pointer'); },function() { signAnimation .to($( this ), 1, {rotation: 0, ease: Power1.easeOut, transformOrigin:"50% 50%"}); $(this).css('cursor','default'); } ); The .call() is working but the .to() is not. If I swap them both works but I wish I was able to put the .call() function in between parts of the animations. Sorry, I am not an expert of GreenSock just taking hover another web developer. Thanks
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