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Everything posted by willarends

  1. I have built a single page app using jQuery .load() to read the url and fetch the according html snipped which contains the SVG's (which are pretty large). function loadPage(page){ var pageString = `./views/${page}.html`; $('#content').fadeOut('normal', function() { $(this).load(pageString, (res, status, xhr) => { $(this).fadeIn('normal', () => { if(page === 'self-service'){ selfService.init(); } else { publicSafety.init(); } }); }); }); } Once the html has been loaded onto the page I am calling a init() function which starts my MainTimeline for each page. function init() { console.log('self service init'); MainTL .add(IconIntro(), 'intro-icon') .add(DataFlow(), 'intro-icon+=4') } Here I have added a couple timelines to MainTimeline. When I am leaving the page I kill() all the active timelines so they are no longer playing with a killTL() function. function killTL(){ MainTL.kill(); var timelines = [iconIntroTL, dataFlowTL]; for (var i = 0; i < timelines.length; i++) { clearProps(timelines[i]); } } The pages load very quickly on first load, but the problem arises when switching back to a page that has already been loaded once. There is a long delay between the loading of the html/init function and then the playing of the animation. The demo is scaled back quite a bit, but there are more pages and timelines that are being added and the delay is about 5 seconds each time. I cannot figure out whats going on as I have tried many combinations of .pause(), restart(), kill() ect.. Is greensock just taking along time to parse the html that was loaded from a ajax call? Thanks for any help and the project is attached. //"npm install" and "gulp" ajax-greensock.zip
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